Blue Christmas [Special Edition]
Set against the frosty backdrop of a 1940s Chicago winter, BLUE CHRISTMAS opens with private investigator Richard Stone (Rob Merritt) in his office, where a seemingly festive holiday party covers the simmering undercurrents of his shady dealings. The film tackles a complex narrative as it delves into Stone's conflicted psyche, juxtaposing his misdeeds against the honorable military service of his secretary’s brother. As the evening progresses, the festive air is increasingly tainted by the unresolved murder of Stone's partner, Jake Marley (Chris Causey,) whose ghostly presence signals the beginning of an otherworldly reckoning. So, I will review this like any other movie, but if you’re going to check it out, keep in mind this is an indie film in almost every aspect. At times, the film feels more like a local community stage play.