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Illinois Reopens: The Move Into Phase 5

Illinois fully reopened and moved into Phase 5 of the state’s reopening plan last Friday. The continuously declining COVID infection rates and the continuously increasing vaccination rates is what made Governor J.B. Pritzker pull the trigger on moving into the state’s full reopening phase. Although Phase 5 does include the full reopening of Illinois, not quite all of the COVID restrictions have been lifted. According to the governor, entry into Phase 5 “will mean businesses, large-scale events, conventions, amusement parks, and seated-spectator venues, among others, will be able to operate at full capacity for the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Phase 5 brings more than just that though. According to the state, upon entering Phase 5, fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask except where required by federal, state, local tribal, or territorial laws, rules and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance. Also under Phase 5, all sectors of the economy can return to taking place at regular capacity. Traditional conventions, festivals, and large events will no longer require capacity restrictions under Phase 5. Across all industry settings, large gatherings of all sizes can resume. Finally, Phase 5 also removes requirements that businesses institute mandatory social distancing in seated venues as well as daily health screenings of employees and visitors. 

Although many major restrictions are being lifted with Phase 5, there are still some things in place. Illinois will continue to recommend face coverings for people who aren’t vaccinated. They also will recommend masks for anyone, vaccinated or not, who is traveling via public transportation, in congregate facilities such as correctional facilities, veterans’ homes, and long-term care facilities, group homes and residential facilities. Masks will also be recommended in healthcare settings. Businesses and venues are being told to allow for social distancing if at all possible, especially indoors. 

As of last Friday, June 11th, Illinois had reached a test positivity rate of less than 2%, with more than half of the population fully vaccinated. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot credited Illinois citizens for the state moving into Phase 5. “Because you’ve masked up, socially distanced and got vaccinated, we’re now moving to Phase 5 on Friday June 11 in alignment with the state. This means Chicago is scheduled to fully reopen,” she tweeted. With Chicago on track to reopen fully, that means our smaller communities in the area should be good to go as well. 

DeWitt, Logan, McLean, and Tazewell county have been ready for the state to move to Phase 5 for a while now. DeWitt has a vaccination rate of 35.1%, McLean with a rate of 43.86%, Tazewell with a rate of 41.66%, and Logan with a rate of 38.74%. These rates are just slightly lower than counties near Chicago, which shows that our counties are ready to move into Phase 5. There are many things that people in these smaller communities will be excited for as we move into Phase 5, including county fairs, town festivals, and concerts. 

Economically, this move into Phase 5 will be huge for small communities in our areas. Last summer, not having any fairs, festivals, concerts, or really any kind of normal summer time activities, really hurt the towns in our area financially. This will also help locally owned businesses that somewhat relied upon a part of their sales to come from the people in town for these special events. Seeing the summer events come back will be very exciting for small towns and their businesses. 

Some of these events that happen in smaller communities, like fairs, festivals, and concerts are what makes small towns such a great place to be during the summer. I know that last summer, without the events and activities that normally happen in the communities in our area, everything seemed a little off. I think I can speak for a lot of small town community members when I say that I am very excited to see the resurgence of summer activities in small towns. 

Illinois moving into Phase 5 has brought so many positive and exciting things back. Whether that’s on a large scale like a Chicago Cubs game at full capacity and finally hearing the crowd going wild again, or at a smaller scale, like finally enjoying a summer evening at the Tremont Turkey Fest. Illinois is so excited to finally be moving back into a normal lifestyle and getting to enjoy some of the things we missed so much in the past year.

Hayden Stork
Correspondent, Columnist

Hayden Stork was a Mail Correspondent covering the Olympia communities starting in February 2021, and was the Mail Sports Columnist from August 2021 until July 2022. He is from Danvers, Illinois.