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Reality Blurs in Eerie Forest Tale

Affentanz - Hunter


Genre: Horror, Mystery, Short
Year Released: 2023, 2024
Runtime: 9m
Director(s): Cyprian Hercka
Writer(s): Cyprian Hercka
Cast: Thomas Brandlmeier, Fritz Fenne, Martin Hillebrand, Pawel Procek, Maximilian Schneider, Georg Weber, Moritz Zielke
Where To Watch: premiering at the 2024 Slamdance Film Festival,; for more information, visit

RAVING REVIEW: AFFENTANZ - HUNTER, directed by Cyprian Hercka, plunges us into a forest teeming with suspense, dark humor, and surreal twists. This unique film flirts with the conventions of music videos and horror shorts, creating an engaging narrative that upends the usual hunter-and-hunted dynamic. The journey oscillates between the “civilized world” and the depths of untamed nature, creating a beautifully haunting experience.

Hercka, a Katowice-born director who later settled in Germany, infuses AFFENTANZ - HUNTER with his extensive artistic pedigree. His career, rich with diverse media projects over two decades, culminates in this film, which showcases his flair for blending unnerving elements with surreal humor. This mix crafts an experience that grips the audience with its unique storytelling.

The making of AFFENTANZ - HUNTER is as much a story of determination and creativity as the film itself. As an independent project, Hercka navigated the challenging struggles of budget limitations and logistical dilemmas. The crucial addition of Timm Lange as the Director of Photography was a turning point for the film, which was teetering on the edge of being shelved. The production team's grit in dealing with environmental challenges and adapting to a secluded forest setting amid adverse weather highlights their unwavering commitment to this artistic endeavor.

In a stroke of creative ingenuity, Hercka blended practical effects and CGI to bring the film's characters to life. This fusion elevated the film's realism and enriched its visual storytelling. Intricately woven into the narrative, the film's soundtrack deepens the story's emotional resonance and beautifully complements the visual journey.

AFFENTANZ - HUNTER offers an open canvas for interpretation, inviting viewers to see it as a study of human and nature relationships, a social critique, or an exploration of vulnerability and aggression. This multifaceted approach widens the film's appeal and sparks varied dialogues among its audience.

The most extensive critique I can give is the pacing for the 9-minute film; so much time was spent laying out the core elements relative to the story itself expanding, which happened so quickly at the end. This could be due to budgetary constraints, but I was left wanting more of this world. I want to see why, how, and what’s next for this flipped upside-down world!

AFFENTANZ - HUNTER is a brilliant showcase of Hercka's storytelling skill and artistic vision. The film boldly steps away from traditional narratives, urging viewers to delve into themes of vulnerability, societal dynamics, and introspection. The story of the film's creation, marked by Hercka's dedication and resilience, is as captivating as the film itself. AFFENTANZ - HUNTER goes beyond being a mere film; it serves as a platform for broader social and artistic discourse.

While watching this, I couldn’t help but think of one of my favorite film quotes!

“Beware the beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or, lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.”
- The Lawgiver (as spoken by Cornelius in Planet of the Apes)

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.