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A Glimpse Into Finland's Environmental Heartbeat

Once Upon a Time in a Forest


Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 1h 33m
Director(s): Virpi Suutari
Where To Watch: world premiere at the 2024 CPH:DOX Film Festival

RAVING REVIEW: ONCE UPON A TIME IN A FOREST doesn't just take you on a scenic tour of Finland's lush landscapes; it plunges you deep into the heart of a battle that's as urgent and engrossing simultaneously. Directed with a specific vision by Virpi Suutari, the film transcends documentary norms to spotlight a group of young activists led by the dynamic duo Ida and Minka. They are on the front line in a critical war to save the rich variation of life thriving in Europe's "green lungs" from the suffocating grip of deforestation. This story resonates far beyond its local setting, touching on a universal nerve with the precision of a well-aimed arrow.

In the trenches with nature's guardians, Suutari crafts a narrative oscillating beautifully between serene moments of natural communion and the stark realities of environmental activism. Through the expert lens of cinematographers Teemu Liakka and Jani Kumpulainen, we're treated to a visual feast that contrasts the tranquility of Finland's wilderness with the looming threat of chainsaws. This visual storytelling is not just about showing us what's at stake; it's about making us feel the loss with every tree felled. The film is truly an experience that you couldn’t understand without seeing it.

But the documentary digs deeper, exploring the generational tussle at the heart of environmental advocacy. Through the eyes of Ida and Minka, we see a youth movement clashing with age-old beliefs in the value of forests as mere economic commodities. This subplot adds layers to the main narrative, enriching the film with discussions about cultural and ideological divides that fuel the broader climate change debate. This struggle has become universal and gives me an unending hope for the future.

Suutari emerges as a director and a storyteller of excellence, seamlessly blending documentary realism with the compelling draw of narrative cinema. ONCE UPON A TIME IN A FOREST stands as a pinnacle, showcasing her gift for engaging with complex issues through a lens of empathy and insight.

What makes this film genuinely resonate is its dual role as a beacon of hope and a call to arms. It doesn't just lay out the dire state of our planet; it actively encourages viewers to ponder their relationship with the natural world. Highlighting the indomitable will of its protagonists, Suutari reminds us that the fight for a greener tomorrow is not just in the hands of the few but a collective duty that beckons to us all.

Closing on a note of optimism amid adversity, ONCE UPON A TIME IN A FOREST stands as a testament to the power of youth-led activism and the enduring allure of nature. It's a poignant reminder that amidst the clamor for progress, the whispers of the wild offer a cautionary tale and a roadmap to a sustainable future. Engaging from start to finish, this documentary doesn't just deserve a watch; it demands a place in the heart of anyone who dreams of a world where nature and humanity thrive hand in hand.

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[photo courtesy of EUPHORIA FILM]

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.