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Hawaiian Heritage Clashes With Modern Science

Standing Above the Clouds


Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 1h 25m
Director(s): Jalena Keane-Lee
Where To Watch: world premiere at the 2024 Hot Docs International Documentary Festival; for more information, visit

RAVING REVIEW: Journey with director Jalena Keane-Lee to the heart of Hawaii with STANDING ABOVE THE CLOUDS. This is a vibrant showcase of passion, tradition, and unyielding resistance. Keane-Lee navigates the turbulent waters of Native Hawaiian activism against the towering specter of modern scientific advancement, specifically the contentious Thirty Meter Telescope project on sacred Mauna Kea. This experience challenges even the most earnest understanding of what it means to stand your ground for the things that matter and mean something to you.

STANDING ABOVE THE CLOUDS is more than an environmental dispute captured on film; it is a profound exploration of Hawaii's cultural soul. The story dives deep into the lives of three Hawaiian families at the forefront of this fight, threading their narratives with the larger fabric of global indigenous rights struggles. These families aren’t merely protectors of the land; they are defenders of a lifestyle interlaced with their identity, offering viewers a front-row seat to the intersection of activism and heritage.

Central to the film’s narrative are the women within these families. Figures like Pua Case and her daughters, Hawane Rios and Kapulei Flores, and their fellow activists who emerge as protesters and cultural torchbearers. Their role as 'kiaʻi' (protectors) is portrayed with reverence, linking the past to the present and future in their quest to safeguard their heritage. Unfortunately, the film seems to struggle in its deeper exploration; so much of its exposition is about the one act of standing against this project that we don’t see enough of the larger picture. To be fair, I didn’t watch the short film that this was based on, so I don’t know if it may have been better suited in that format.

The film’s approach to storytelling is particularly noteworthy. Keane-Lee adopts a method that emphasizes collaboration and respect for the community’s voice, allowing for a portrayal that respects the gravity of the stakes. This approach not only adds depth to the narrative but also offers viewers an intimate glimpse into the sacrifices and struggles of the women on the front lines.

STANDING ABOVE THE CLOUDS goes beyond chronicling a confrontation. It frames the Hawaiian struggle within the broader context of environmental justice and the rights of indigenous peoples worldwide, transforming the documentary into a powerful commentary on a global scale. The film challenges viewers to consider complex themes such as resilience and intergenerational healing, enhanced by the director's thoughtful focus on her subjects' emotional and cultural landscapes. This is where the film could have shined the brightest if it had made this aspect the main focus.

STANDING ABOVE THE CLOUDS is a rallying cry for justice and a beacon of hope for the enduring spirit of the Native Hawaiian community. It’s an essential viewing for anyone interested in the powerful stories of human resilience and the ongoing pursuit of justice across generations. This documentary combines personal tales with socio-political themes, creating a thought-provoking narrative that resonates long after the credits roll. It's a testament to the courage and unwavering spirit of a community standing tall to protect its most sacred grounds.

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[photo courtesy of MULTITUDE FILMS]

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.