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A Man’s Darkest Fears

I Will Never Leave You Alone


Genre: Horror
Year Released: 2023, 2024
Runtime: 1h 35m
Director(s): DW Medoff
Writer(s): DW Medoff
Cast: Kenneth Trujillo,  Katerina Eichenberger, Christopher Genovese, Emma Wedemeyer, Kimberly Maxwell, Pierce Lackey, Katy Wilson, Alex Parkinson
Where To Watch: releasing on VOD and digital on October 18, 2024

RAVING REVIEW: It’s not every day a haunted house film delivers more than just bumps in the night. I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE dares to delve deeper, using its eerie setting to explore psychological horror with a slow-burning tension that creeps up on you. This movie, directed by DW Medoff, offers a chilling story where external horror mirrors the protagonist’s internal battle. A premise combining real-life consequences with supernatural terror turns a simple survival plot into something more thought-provoking.

Richard, played by Kenneth Trujillo, finds himself in a unique situation. Fresh out of prison on parole, his freedom depends on surviving six days in a house known for its ghostly inhabitants (an odd setup, I will admit.) If he fails the stay, then he’s back behind bars. This gives the film a sense of urgency that underscores every eerie moment. But the house isn’t just a setting—it represents Richard’s tortured mind. Each corner and unexplained noise reflects his inner turmoil, shaped by a painful past he can’t outrun.

This film stands out because it resists typical horror conventions. Sure, there are moments of suspense and supernatural unease, but the scares here are more cerebral than jump-out-of-your-seat. Medoff takes his time, letting the tension simmer rather than explode. This slow pacing might frustrate viewers expecting a more traditional haunted house experience, but it works to the film’s advantage by creating a mood that lingers. It’s a deliberate approach that demands patience but rewards those willing to stay with it.

The narrative employs flashbacks to fill in Richard’s backstory, gradually revealing the events that landed him in prison and the scars that remain. His interactions with his wife, Emma, played by Katerina Eichenberger, are especially poignant, grounding the supernatural horror in something profoundly human. The hauntings in the house parallel Richard’s demons, blurring the line between what’s real and imagined. It’s a clever narrative device that elevates the movie from a standard ghost story into a meditation on guilt and redemption.

The film makes excellent use of its confined location, using the house as a physical and psychological maze. Medoff keeps the scares subtle, relying on atmosphere rather than gore or exaggerated special effects. The style works in the movie’s favor, making even the most mundane moments feel unsettling.

Trujillo’s performance is central to the film’s success. His portrayal of a man haunted by his past and the supernatural forces in the house is nuanced and restrained. Without much dialogue to lean on, Trujillo conveys a range of emotions—fear, guilt, determination—through subtle expressions and body language. It’s a challenging role, but he holds the audience’s attention even during the film’s slower moments. His silence becomes a tool, amplifying the horror of his situation and drawing viewers deeper into his internal struggle.

I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE delivers a haunting experience that sticks with you. Medoff’s ability to blend the supernatural with the psychological creates a film that feels both familiar and fresh. It’s not just about surviving a haunted house; it’s about surviving the ghosts we carry inside us.

In the end, I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE is a psychological horror film that challenges its audience to engage with the story on multiple levels. The deliberate pacing, layered characters, and eerie atmosphere make it a standout entry in the genre, proving that sometimes, the scariest thing isn’t hiding in the dark—it’s what’s lurking in our minds.

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[photo courtesy of DARK SKY FILMS]

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.