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WW's in-app tools, including a recipe builder and sleep tracker, make it easy to improve your whole life. (Photo: WW)

New Year, Ready for a Better You?

Well, 2020 is finally done, and not a moment too soon. Three cheers for the New Year. We’re greeting January with hope and excitement—and new motivation to get in shape and stay healthy. If you’re like us, you’ve been enjoying plenty of comfort food over the past 10 months, and cracking jokes about gaining “the COVID 19.” Now’s the perfect time to get back to where you want to be: WW (formerly Weight Watchers) has a special offer: two free months of Weight Watchers Digital, featuring the new myWW+. It’s a personalized, holistic weight-loss program you can access on your phone or laptop.

Weight is personal. And that’s exactly why the new myWW+ is so special—it gets to know you, then offers tailored tips that fit your real life. The WW app, with the new myWW+ is a holistic approach that begins with a free personal assessment—a few questions that help tailor the program to your needs; it starts by learning about your day-to-day life. The app also prompts you with questions about your overall well-being in this moment.

This info helps the app make personalized suggestions for small, doable changes. The recommendations are not just limited to diet. Exercise, sleep, and even emotions play a big part in weight loss; myWW+ offers support on all counts, ramping you up with small successes that build momentum—like a super-encouraging friend or the kind of personal coach only celebrities can afford. That’s why this special offer is so ideal. It’s the perfect new year/new you move you deserve right now.

The plan is to focus on different aspects of your wellness life as needed, with the help of the personalized recommendations. These tools are at your disposal, but they’re not the boss of you. Basically the WW app takes the pressure, stress, and mystery out of the equation, and makes it easy—and natural—to lose weight.