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A Rider’s Quest for Identity

Beyond Black Beauty


Genre: Family
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 11 x 25m episodes
Creator: Carmen Pilar Golden
Cast: Kaya Coleman, Lisa Berry, Sagine Sémajuste, Gina James, Akiel Julien
Where To Watch: available in the US and the UK on Prime Video on October 15, 2024

RAVING REVIEW: BEYOND BLACK BEAUTY pulls us into the world of Jolie Dumont (Kaya Coleman,) a young equestrian whose idyllic life in Belgium gets uprooted as she lands in Baltimore, a world of difference. Here, Jolie faces a change of scenery and a profound internal disruption. The narrative centers around her bond with Black Beauty, a horse that parallels Jolie's turbulence and becomes her anchor in a shifting world. The ensemble, led by Coleman and supported by Gina James, Sagine Sémajuste, Lisa Berry, and Akiel Julien, breathes life into this emotional journey.

The essence of BEYOND BLACK BEAUTY is the dramatic relocation by Jolie's mother, Yvonne, which drops Jolie from the life she knew and loved into the chaos of the inner city. This uprooting is more than geographical; it catalyzes an intensely personal journey. As Black Beauty arrives, symbolizing conflict and stability, Jolie embarks on a path of self-discovery and burgeoning resilience.

The series is marked by Jolie's fierce determination to reconcile the remnants of her past dreams with her new reality. Her search for answers about her father's (Gilles Marini) mysterious past and her efforts to secure a future for Black Beauty twist her evolution with a deeply rooted story, offering viewers a rich narrative that is as relatable as it is compelling.

As the series progresses, Jolie's struggle against her circumstances drives her to seek new horizons at a renowned equestrian center. Her interactions there reveal old wounds and underscore the complex dance between personal aspirations and responsibilities. The story deepens as unexpected challenges arise, exacerbating Jolie’s emotional turmoil. The show handles these themes with a deft touch, favoring authenticity over simplistic resolutions.

As the rodeo arena becomes Jolie's new battleground, each challenge she faces mirrors her internal conflicts and quests for self-acceptance. The rodeo metaphor parallels Jolie's narrative with its hurdles and triumphs, making each episode resonate with deeper meaning.

The season finale showcases the tension between impending family struggles and the threat of disintegrating friendships. Jolie is thrust into making critical decisions that will define and shape her future. This confrontation encapsulates the series' exploration of identity, belonging, and the continuous effort to direct one's destiny amidst tumult.

BEYOND BLACK BEAUTY is a traditional family drama that uses elements of sports and drama to explore broader societal and intimate challenges. The series sometimes shows its struggles with some forced dialogue, but it’s engaging and offers a relatively new spin on a classic tale. Coleman, in particular, delivers a strong performance, portraying Jolie with a blend of vulnerability and fierce resolve that allows viewers to empathize deeply with her journey.

BEYOND BLACK BEAUTY explores a young woman's relentless pursuit of self-discovery and acceptance in a world of challenges. It is a compelling take on the power of resilience and the human spirit’s capacity to adapt and thrive against the odds. While the series occasionally delves into intricate subplots, it maintains a focused narrative that engages and inspires, making it a great addition to the genre of dramatic storytelling.

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.