Erin Dederich
Erin Dederich, from McLean, Illinois, was a Mail Correspondent covering the Olympia communities from August 2021 until July 2022.
Sonshine Daycare is looking for more fun things to do this summer with the kids! They are open to volunteers that would like to come in to read or color with the children for example. If you have a special talent or hobby you would like to showcase, feel free to contact Sonshine Daycare. If interested, call 309-874-2522.
The 9th Annual Route 66 Race will be on Saturday, August 27th. Participants will walk or run from Funks Grove to McLean in a benefit for the community of McLean. Many fun events and activities will be running throughout the day at the square too! The cost is $45, but to guarantee a t-shirt, you must sign up by August 1st. Registration is open to participate in the race online and via mail.
McLean Community VBS is from July 11-15th from 6-8 pm. VBS will be held at the Village Park. The theme is Castle of Courage. There will be plenty of lessons, skits, crafts, games, music, and snacks during the week. Registration forms can be found online or at local city buildings. Pre-registration is requested, but not required.
The Waynesville Library will have a Doterra Essential Oils Make and Take on Tuesday, July 12th from 6-7:30 pm. Kelly Byrd will be teaching how to make roller bottles of essential oils to improve one's health. Other topics of discussion include immunity, tummy and respiratory relief, sleep, and calming.