Serving Armington, Illinois since 2020

Armington Mail

Hopedale Town Wide Garage Sales

The Hopedale Town Wide Garage Sales will be held from Friday, May 6th to Saturday, May 7th from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on both days. If you want your sale listed on the map you can call Hopedale Community Banking Center at 309-449-3393. When calling you will need to provide the following info: name, address, phone number, and whether the sale will be held on Friday, Saturday, or both. A brief description of your items will be included on the map and the submission deadline is Friday, April 29th. Maps will be available on May 4th at the Hopedale Bank, the Hopedale Casey’s, and other locations.

Taylor Huffington

Taylor Huffington was a Mail Correspondent covering the Olympia communities from August 2021 until July 2022. She is from McLean, Illinois.