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Comedy Uncorked in Wine Country

Wine Club


Genre: Comedy
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 43m
Director(s): Eric D. Cohen, Matthew Hirschhorn
Writer(s): Eric D. Cohen, Matthew Hirschhorn, Sean Thomas Spencer, Daniel Van Kirk
Cast: Daniel Van Kirk, Taylor Ortega, Steve Little, Jacqueline Emerson, Ben Seaward, Dean Cameron, Erik Griffin, Chris Romano, Vanna Bardot, Connie Shi
Where To Watch: currently available to rent everywhere and available for free on Tubi on May 1, 2024

RAVING REVIEW: As refreshing as a chilled glass of Pinot Noir on a warm afternoon, WINE CLUB invites audiences to immerse themselves in the lush landscapes of wine country, where humor ferments in the most unexpected settings. This indie film cleverly blends the beauty of its location with the zany dynamics of an unconventional vineyard, creating a delightful backdrop for its narrative. Every time you think you know what’s coming, you’re likely wrong.

Set against the verdant rows of grapevines, WINE CLUB serves up a comedic adventure with a young couple at its heart. Searching for the perfect locale for their wedding, they stumble upon a vineyard; from then on, all bets are off. What follows is a series of hilarious encounters that thrust them into the heart of the vineyard's quirky traditions and secretive antics.

The film's strength lies in the vibrant performances of its leads, Josh (Daniel Van Kirk) and Amanda (Taylor Ortega,) who bring these characters' lives to the screen with fantastic energy and comedic timing. Their journey through the vineyard's weird world is as engaging as funny. Yet, the film sometimes struggles under the weight of its secondary characters, whose over-the-top behaviors occasionally cloud the primary narrative’s comedic simplicity.

Directed by Matthew Hirschhorn and Eric D. Cohen, WINE CLUB epitomizes the essence of independent cinema with its resourceful storytelling and sharp dialogue. The directors' approach is non-traditional, prioritizing situational laughs and quick-witted exchanges over a straightforward plot. While this format keeps the pace brisk and the laughs frequent, a more concise edit could have tightened the seams and amplified the comedic punches. The almost two-hour runtime feels long towards the second and third acts.

I was most impressed by the quality of the film. If you hadn’t told me beforehand, I don’t know if I would have guessed this was an independent production. Almost every key element seemed tuned and well done; it didn’t suffer from the standard growing pains that so many indie films do.

The backstory of WINE CLUB, detailed through some behind-the-scenes history by its filmmakers, is as intriguing as the film itself. The rapid journey from concept to completion showcases indie filmmaking's formidable challenges and exhilarating successes. This narrative illustrates what can be achieved when creativity meets determination within less than a year. If you’re genuinely passionate about a project, make sure that you do everything you can to reach those goals.

WINE CLUB’s first impressions are undeniably impactful; genuine laughs in the genre are hard to come by, and I caught myself smiling and chuckling more than I expected. It celebrates the indie film spirit, combining a sharp comedic lens with thoughtful observations on unconventional cultural norms. This film entertains and makes a poignant statement about the pursuit of creativity and the enduring power of laughter in cinema. Are you really in a cult if the cult is the one that rescued you from a cult?


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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.