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Tackling Tough Subjects With Heart

Delegation (Ha’Mishlahat)


Genre: Drama, History
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 39m
Director(s): Asaf Saban
Writer(s): Asaf Saban
Cast: Neomi Harari, Yoav Bavly, Leib Lev Levin, Ezra Dagan, Alma Dishy
Where To Watch: Premiering at the 2023 Berlin International Film Festival

RAVING REVIEW: DELEGATION is a movie that takes you on an unforgettable journey through the struggles of youth and the importance of who you are as an individual vs. who your country wants you to be. Directed by Asaf Saban, this film follows a group of Israeli high school students on their final trip before joining the military. The students embark on a pilgrimage to visit important historical locations.

Suppose you're looking for a movie that'll take you on an emotional rollercoaster. In that case, look no further; DELEGATION masterfully blends the elements of a road trip film and a drama to create an experience that'll leave you looking within after every scene. Each of the central trio of characters has battles to fight, from dealing with insecurities and separations to relationship issues.

This film is fearless in tackling challenging and sensitive themes. Its unique approach to these topics, combining humor and drama, creates a dynamic and engaging narrative that sets it apart from other movies. Asaf Saban draws from his experiences as a 17-year-old visiting Poland, giving the film a personal and intimate touch.

The film's structure slowly unveils the characters and their struggles, starting with the group's troubles and moving to each individual. This method creates a powerful emotional experience that helps the audience understand the complexities of adolescence and the impact of historical memory on the young.

DELEGATION is a coming-of-age story showcasing the rite of passage young people must go through to find their place in the world. It explores the triumphs and challenges of youth and the impact of the past on the present. The themes of identity, memory, and the weight of history are universal.

The film approaches its subject matter with a delicate and insightful touch, exploring the complex and conflicting emotions that arise from the intersection of personal and national identity. Through its portrayal of the students' journey, DELEGATION invites you to reflect on the impact of historical events on our lives and how we carry those experiences into the future.

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[photo courtesy of THE PR FACTORY]

Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.