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Empowerment and Rights in Childbirth Explored

The Labour of Pain and Joy (Kivun ja ilon työ)


Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 1h 24m
Director(s): Karoliina Gröndahl
Language: Finnish with English subtitles
Where To Watch: world premiere at the 2024 CPH:DOX Film Festival

RAVING REVIEW: Karoliina Gröndahl’s THE LABOUR OF PAIN AND JOY is not your typical documentary. Filmed against Finland's tranquil vistas, it features the duo of Kirsi, a midwife (a person (typically a woman) trained to assist women in childbirth,) and Anna-Riitta, a doula (a woman, typically without formal obstetric training, who is employed to provide guidance and support to a pregnant woman during labor.) They’re not just characters but revolutionaries in childbirth, armed with compassion and a vision to enhance the birthing experience for all involved. Gröndahl, wielding her MA in documentary film directing, guides us through a journey that explores more than just the physical act of giving birth. It’s an exploration that ventures into the heart, the community, and the tales we share about bringing life into the world. From the opening scene, this film signals its intent to spotlight the power of childbirth and the warriors working tirelessly to elevate this essential human experience.

As a male, I don’t know that I could appreciate the heart in the film as much as I might have otherwise. That’s in no way a knock on this incredible experience; I think that a mother will likely get more from the film than I could. As a filmmaker, the director steps into the fray, capturing childbirth's raw, unfiltered essence. Gröndahl’s lens is intimate, pulling us into the fabric of these life-changing moments and revealing the soulful dedication of midwives and doulas. Through THE LABOUR OF PAIN AND JOY, she narrates a story and celebrates the unseen, everyday heroism in maternal care, marking another moment in her cinematic career.

This documentary distinguishes itself with its unwavering emphasis on the emotional intelligence, respect, and self-determination essential in childbirth—the narrative questions traditional practices and advocates for a renaissance in birthing methods worldwide. Through the personal and professional voyages of Kirsi and Anna-Riitta, the film spotlights the urgency for an evolved approach to childbirth—one that empowers and enlightens.

Yet, every narrative has its areas for growth. While THE LABOUR OF PAIN AND JOY leaves an indelible mark on its audience, expanding its scope to encompass a broader spectrum of birthing stories could have injected even more depth into its already rich tapestry. Nevertheless, the film is a beacon for birth attendants' critical, often overlooked work and their profound role in the birthing journey. I found the journey fascinating and educational from the first scene to the last.

THE LABOUR OF PAIN AND JOY offers a riveting glimpse into childbirth's complex and beautiful world. It’s a reminder of the lasting influence of birth experiences and the vital support networks that make these moments genuinely empowering. Gröndahl invites audiences to traverse the peaks and valleys of childbirth, championing the irreplaceable roles of those committed to making childbirth a positive and empowering experience. Though it may not redefine the genre, it enriches the discourse surrounding childbirth, positioning itself as an essential view for anyone intrigued by the crossroads of human rights, health care, and the art of documentary filmmaking.

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.