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Time-Traveling Tudor Tackles Today’s Turmoil

Queen Bess: A Tudor Comes to Save America


Genre: Satire, Political Fiction
Year Released: 2024
Pages: 336
Author(s): Maria Vetrano
Where To Watch: available October 15, 2024; pre-order your copy here:

RAVING REVIEW: QUEEN BESS: A TUDOR COMES TO SAVE AMERICA takes a daring leap that places the formidable Elizabeth Tudor in the heart of 21st-century political chaos. This blend of time travel and historical drama doesn't just transport a queen—it catapults a legendary figure into modern politics, reflecting on today’s turmoil in leadership.

Author Maria Vetrano casts Dakota Wynfred as the linchpin of the plot. She is a cybersecurity professional under siege from a government hell-bent on commandeering her company, KODA. With such dire threats, Dakota has an extraordinary plan: bring back Elizabeth Tudor to dethrone the authoritarian President Robert Vlakas. In this story, Dakota is more than just a tech genius; she's a battlefield strategist in digital warfare.

Elizabeth Tudor's resurgence is crafted with historical reverence and contemporary relevance. Vetrano reawakens this iconic leader, endowing her with the energy needed to navigate the complexities of the new world she faces. Elizabeth's integration into the modern era is punctuated with witty exchanges and moments of genuine human connection, highlighting her evolution from a past monarch to an influential figure and celebrity today.

The story excels in fusing Elizabeth’s historical persona with the cutthroat nature of current politics. Her journey through the digital age is marked by challenges and growth, making her character both relatable and inspirational. Her old-world resilience is tested against today’s global issues, providing comedic respite and substantial development.

The ensemble of characters Vetrano introduces is the structure for Elizabeth's adaptation. These modern-day advisors, ranging from tech geniuses to social consultants, facilitate her transformation and enrich the storyline with their diverse perspectives and collective efforts.

Vetrano’s writing crackles with sharp dialogue and a sharp satirical edge. It dissects the political landscape and norms of today and the bygone era from Elizabeth’s past. The reader is invited to scrutinize contemporary governance and leadership underpinnings, making the narrative as thought-provoking as it is entertaining. At no point does the story parallel directly, but there is no missing the poignant connection to the struggles we are facing today.

The ambitious blend of speculative time travel with historical revival intentionally tests the bounds of believability. While reviving a 16th-century queen to solve 21st-century problems is intrinsically audacious, it is still meant to challenge the readers and does so perfectly.

The novel also explores deep themes of empowerment and legacy, with Elizabeth’s transformation underscoring a broader discourse on change and influence. Dakota and Elizabeth's relationship reiterates the power of mentorship and the significance of supporting one another through transformative challenges.

In essence, QUEEN BESS: A TUDOR COMES TO SAVE AMERICA is a bold reimagination of historical influence within a contemporary setting. It challenges the reader to ponder the enduring impact of leadership across time and the power that visionary leaders can wield. Elizabeth Tudor's transition from a historical monarch to a catalyst for modern change is an inventive narrative twist and a powerful commentary on the nature of authentic leadership.

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[photo courtesy of REGALO PRESS, SIMON & SCHUSTER]

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.