Funk’s Grove Maple Sirup
Funks Grove Maple Sirup is located in the heart of Central Illinois. This is a rural area of homes, fields, creeks, trees, animals, and plenty of nature. Funks Grove Pure Maple Sirup is owned by the Funk family. They have been running this historic business since 1824.
So why is sirup spelled within an “i" instead of a "y?" The original spelling is sirup in the Webster’s Dictionary for the product coming after boiling sap. Syrup with a “y” is the end product of adding sugar to fruit juice. Funks Grove makes pure maple sirup, thus spelled with an "i."
Maple sirup is made and processed right here at the Funks Grove farm. Sap is collected from the maple trees, varying in sugar, sweetness, and minerals. The sap cycles through tubing and producers are then able to collect it. In the building, workers are able to boil the sap and extract the extra water to become sirup. The caramelized process occurs in the heating, evaporating, and cooking stages. Sirup is stored in huge barrels and then bottled for resale. They average 2,000 gallons of sirup per season.
The Funks Grove store includes maple cream, sirup, mix, candy, cookbooks, t-shirts, keychains, Route 66 memorabilia, and more. Another big part of this business is their mail-order system. Customers order this pure maple sirup from all over the world. They have also partnered with Funks Grove Heritage Fruits & Grains products to provide breakfast mixes.
Personally, I have grown up right in the middle of all this. My sister and I have ridden our bikes to the store just to indulge in the delectable maple ice cream. Driving through this area every day, I have to be conscientious of all of the deer that might make a surprise visit in front of my car, but nothing beats the gorgeous sunrises, sunsets, and nature along the way.
The maple sirup is currently sold out for the season but will return in March. The typical sirup season is March-August. The store is open by appointment only for available goods in the off-season. It is located at 5257 Old Route 66 in Shirley, Illinois. Contact this business at (309) 874-3360 or info@funkspuremaplesirup.com. They also have an online website and Facebook page. From stories and experiences, I know that Funks Grove Pure Maple Sirup is very popular and tasty. The Sirup Farm is recognized as a landmark and special place in Central Illinois.