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A Gritty Gaze Into Parisian Life’s Complexity

The Story of Souleymane (L'histoire de Souleymane)


Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 1h 33m
Director(s): Boris Lojkine
Writer(s): Delphine Agut, Boris Lojkine
Cast: Abou Sangare, Nina Meurisse, Alpha Oumar Sow, Emmanuel Yovanie, Younoussa Diallo, Ghislain Mahan, Mamadou Barry, Yaya Diallo, Keita Diallo
Language: French with English subtitles
Where To Watch: showing at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival

RAVING REVIEW: THE STORY OF SOULEMANE, directed by Boris Lojkine, takes audiences on an immersive journey through the streets of Paris, captured through the eyes of Souleymane, a bike courier. As he weaves through the urban expanse, the film unfolds like a visual diary, revealing his personal and systemic challenges. Lojkine's narrative is a testament to the unseen lives of those who operate on the edges of society, making the film a compelling slice of cinematic realism.

Lojkine's portrayal of Paris sets it as somewhat of a character itself and a battleground within this dramatic stage where the city’s iconic architecture and the bureaucratic obstacles Souleymane encounters amplify his sense of isolation. The cinematography alternates between tight, personal shots and wide angles that capture the sprawling chaos of the city, mirroring the protagonist's internal and external struggles.

At the core of THE STORY OF SOULEMANE is its authentic dialogue and realistic scenarios, born from Lojkine’s deep dive into the lives of real-world people. Their stories infuse the script with a realism that’s both engaging and enlightening, providing a narrative backbone that is both robust and relatable. Placing this filmed world within the grounded constraints of the natural world around us gives it a more profound connection to the audience as we watch this journey.

His casting of Abou Sangare as Souleymane was a stroke of genius. He chose a non-actor who brought the role a raw and authentic edge. Sangare’s firsthand experience in delivery work before filming added genuine realism to the film. His portrayal is a deep well of emotions, capturing the audience with his resilience and vulnerability. Numerous times, it felt like I was watching a documentary instead of a drama. Separating the actor from the character was nearly impossible in those moments.

The film’s pace is meticulously crafted to build suspense. This film's conclusion offers a high-stakes encounter that tests Souleymane's mettle and a profound commentary on identity and belonging. Nina Meurisse, playing the role of the interviewer, delivers a nuanced performance that perfectly balances authority with empathy, making the interview sequence both tense and thought-provoking.

Lojkine’s directorial approach is marked by a minimalist style, particularly in his choice to forego a conventional soundtrack. Instead, the ambient sounds of Paris—traffic, conversations, the everyday hustle—become the film’s pulse, enhancing the narrative’s authenticity and immediacy.

Ultimately, THE STORY OF SOULEMANE transcends its immediate plot to delve into deeper issues of identity, belonging, and the resilience of the human spirit. It challenges viewers to see beyond the surface of city life and consider the complex realities of those who dwell in its shadows. This film is a poignant exploration that respects the dignity of its subjects and enriches the cinematic landscape with its honest portrayal of life’s unseen struggles.

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[photo courtesy of UNITE, PYRAMIDE FILMS]

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.