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Is True Love Manufactured or Manifested?

Fuck You, Cupid


Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Short
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 10m
Director(s): Felipe Marinheiro
Writer(s): Felipe Marinheiro
Cast: Madison Vice, Starla Caldwell, Ranen Navat
Where To Watch: shown at the 2024 LA International Short Film Festival

RAVING REVIEW: Writer/Director Felipe Marinheiro brings us a film that dives into the turbulent seas of romance and the mystical unknown, challenging our perceptions of what is real and merely a product of magical intervention. Luna played with intense emotion by Madison Vice, leads us through a story that stirs the soul and provokes deep reflection on the authenticity of love reignited by supernatural forces. As Luna treads a fragile line between yearning and reality, her emotional journey raises critical questions about the genuineness of love manipulated by unseen hands.

Vice's portrayal of Luna is a powerhouse performance that captures the raw, unfiltered essence of a woman battling internal and external forces to grasp the true nature of her relationship. Her depiction of the struggle between hope and despair, truth and illusion, is mesmerizing. The psychological layers of Luna's character are peeled back scene by scene, exposing a vulnerable soul desperate for a genuine connection.

The dramatic tension escalates when Luna faces off against Madam Maira, the enigmatic psychic played by Starla Caldwell. This confrontation is more than just a clash; it's a pivotal scene that magnifies the film’s exploration of fate and autonomy. Caldwell’s portrayal adds a rich layer of mystery, making every one of her appearances on screen a focal point for narrative twists.

Marinheiro weaves elements of fantasy and reality, guided by Nick Szubart’s evocative cinematography. Szubart's strategic play with shadows and light casts the perfect gloom over Luna’s quest, visually narrating her internal conflicts and the overarching theme of uncertainty. The visual depth created by the cinematography not only complements the story but also amplifies the emotional resonance of each scene.

Theodore Ammon's score is a critical thread in the film's experience, with haunting melodies that underscore the narrative’s mystical elements. His music is more than just background—it’s a driving force that elevates the tension and enriches the atmosphere, ensuring the audience feels every heartbeat of the story.

Marinheiro's film is a thought-provoking blend of drama and psychological thriller infused with a dose of fantasy. It pushes viewers to question the reality of emotions that forces beyond our understanding may manipulate. The narrative compels the audience to confront the nature of love, asking if genuine affection can ever be manufactured or if it must always be organically nurtured.

As the story concludes, it leaves a lingering question mark, challenging the viewer to decode the enigma long after the end credits have rolled. This open-ended finale cleverly ties back to the film’s core inquiry about the stability and truth of human emotions in relationships influenced by the supernatural. And that final scene, whew!!!

This short film explores love's complexities. It skillfully marries the dramatic and the unknown, crafting a narrative that captivates and educates. For anyone intrigued by the depths of human emotion and the mysteries of fate, this film is an essential viewing experience that offers a unique perspective on age-old dilemmas about love, destiny, and the lengths we go to for those we care about.

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.