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OHS Student Collecting Supplies for Homeless

Senior, Andrew Fishman, at Olympia High School is running a supply drive for the homeless. This fundraiser is all student-generated by Andrew. The donation drive works through the Salvation Army from 11/19 to 12/20. The Salvation Army allows for a bed and warming center for the needy, especially during the winter months. They have 33 beds and around 90 additional people who also stay for the night. With all the goods collected, Andrew will be filling bags for each person, making his goal of at least 123 bags. 

Any item is greatly appreciated, but the Salvation Army focuses on collecting toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, bars of soap, hand sanitizer, sweatshirts, sweatpants, gloves, winter hats, scarfs, blankets, socks, and hand warmers. Non-perishable foods of sandwich crackers, goldfish, granola bars, raisins, and water bottles are also included. 

Andrew’s peers at Olympia High School are encouraged to participate, too. He has made plenty of posters, signs, and announcements to display this information around the school. There is an advisory incentive for donating the most items. The winning class will receive an ice cream and pizza party.

On December 7th, Olympia will be hosting the Red Out/Kettle Roundup fundraiser at the boys’ basketball game. Anyone who donates an item will get into the game free of charge! There is also an option to make monetary donation. Then, Andrew will go shopping for the items that are still in need. 

During this holiday season, Andrew believes, “We can all work together to bring a little warmth to the air and bring some holiday spirit to those in need. Together we can make a difference.” Since last year, Andrew had the motivation to step out of his comfort zone and help out the community. He realized that not all members have it as good off as he does. Eventually, Andrew brought up his idea with the teachers and administration at OHS. Then, he was able to get some planning done with the Salvation Army. 

Andrew Fishman lives in Stanford, Illinois with his mom, two brothers, sister, and two dogs. His mom owns a dog grooming business that Andrew helps out with in his free time. Andrew also likes to hang out with his friends and girlfriend, Amber. Some of his other hobbies include going to the gym and cooking. Andrew would even love to open up his own restaurant one day.

Erin Dederich

Erin Dederich was a Mail Correspondent covering the Olympia communities from August 2021 until July 2022. She is from McLean, Illinois.