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Resynating Connections Beyond Time



Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 1h 36m
Director(s): Alison Tavel
Where To Watch: world premiere at the 2024 SXSW Film Festival, more information here

RAVING REVIEW: When I started screening RESYNATOR, I expected an insightful documentary into the history of a “musical instrument;” instead, I got an emotionally charged journey that struck a chord more profound than any thriller ever could. Alison Tavel's journey to connect with her father, the late Don Tavel, transforms from a simple story into an expedition through the heart of music, innovation, and the bonds of family through time. This is a voyage into the soul of creativity and the unbreakable bonds that music can forge.

Alison's adventure starts with a single step into her grandmother's attic but quickly escalates into an international journey. This film is a trip down memory lane and a quest to piece together the puzzle of her father's life and the impact of his magnum opus, the Resynator. The documentary does something extraordinary, blending the intimacy of personal discovery with the grandeur of musical evolution, showcasing icons like Peter Gabriel and Fred Armisen as integral parts of Alison's narrative. Their contributions add depth, enriching the storyline and painting Don Tavel as an inventor and a visionary whose life was a complex melody of triumphs and challenges.

The heart of RESYNATOR beats with the rhythm of revelation as Alison navigates through her father's multifaceted legacy. In these moments of discovery and understanding, the film transcends its documentary roots, becoming a narrative of profound personal growth and connection. Alison's transition from seeing her father as an infallible icon to recognizing him as a complex, impactful individual mirrors the audience's journey, inviting us to look beyond our heroes' exteriors. She had only had stories about her father for so much of her life, but this film allowed her to meet the faces behind those stories and connect with the father she never knew on a different level through the memories he left behind.

What truly sets RESYNATOR apart is its authenticity. Alison's lack of filmmaking experience doesn't hinder the film; instead, it imbues the story with a raw, genuine quality often missing in more polished productions. The documentary becomes a universal tale of searching for one's identity within the legacy left behind by loved ones. It reflects how the pursuit of acceptance and the need for familial connection can shape us. This makes it feel like the film accomplished precisely what it was meant to be in every possible way, offering the viewer a story of discovery.

Exploring the Resynator—an instrument that symbolizes the convergence of analog warmth and digital precision—opens up a fascinating dialogue about music's evolution. Alison's collaboration with various artists showcases the synthesizer's versatility and broadens the documentary's scope to include a more comprehensive conversation about creativity and innovation in music.

Featuring unique AI technology, the film's score is a touching tribute to Don Tavel's legacy, merging the past with futuristic innovation. This musical choice not only honors his vision but also serves as a metaphor for the ongoing influence of his work in the music industry.

RESYNATOR offers more than a glimpse into the life of a forgotten musical genius; it presents a heartwarming narrative about the power of music to unite, heal, and inspire across time. It challenges viewers to reflect on the enduring impact of our actions and the legacies we leave behind. For anyone seeking a film that combines emotional depth, musical innovation, and a compelling narrative, RESYNATOR is an absolute must-see—a beautifully orchestrated tribute to the everlasting resonance of family, legacy, and the melodies that connect us.

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.