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Love Takes the Field and Champions Queer Voices



Genre: Comedy, Drama, Short
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 18m
Director(s): Tusk
Writer(s): Tusk
Cast: Raina Landolfi, Rita Roca, Eric Meneses, Bet Comas, Rafa Valls, Jules Smekens
Where To Watch: shown at the 2024 Tribeca Film Festival

RAVING REVIEW: Nestled in Catalonia's radiant landscapes in Spain, RIPE! unwraps a heartfelt story of emerging affection and self-discovery between Sophie (Raina Landolfi) and Gloria (Rita Roca) amidst the summer's heat. This spirited indie flick intertwines elements of sports with intimate personal growth, painting a vivid tapestry of love's complexities. In only 18 minutes, the film tells a story that rivals many feature-length films.

Kerry Furrh and Olivia Mitchell, the creative minds of Tusk's director duo, dive into the deep end with a bold, passionate, and caring hand. The narrative starts with a charged soccer game that quickly becomes a turning point for the lead characters. Gloria's unexpected injury from Sophie's assertive move sparks a series of events that oscillate between discord and delicate harmony.

The plot thickens when Gloria, her arm now encased in a cast, offers Sophie a unique olive branch: dinner as a token of forgiveness. This quirky pact paves the way for a string of intimate exchanges—from bustling markets to serene dinners—that delve deeply into their evolving emotions and the intricate dance of their relationship. Life lesson: just accidentally break the arm of the person you’re interested in, and great things will happen (that joke sounded funnier in my head.)

It was produced in collaboration with Barcelona's Japonica Films and Juxtapose Studio. RIPE! gains depth and authenticity from Kelley O’Hara’s participation. Known both for her athletic prowess in soccer and advocacy for queer visibility, O'Hara's role as executive producer reinforces the film's dedication to storytelling that resonates with authenticity and broad representation.

The film uses soccer as a setting and a vehicle to explore deeper themes of identity and acceptance. This symbolic use of the sport brings the characters' internal battles and victories to light, revealing their deepest emotions and challenges in a compelling narrative arc.

Directed with a distinct, stylish flair that borrows from their experiences in commercials and music videos, Tusk (Furrh and Mitchell) lend RIPE! a fresh and dynamic perspective on queer stories. Their innovative approach breaks away from traditional narratives, celebrating the uniqueness of queer experiences with flair and poignancy. Understanding that LGBTQIA+ stories are everyone’s stories helps cement these narratives in the real world, not as outliers.

Visually stunning and emotionally charged, the film contrasts the tranquility of rural settings with the intensity of personal conflicts, enriched by a resonant soundtrack and evocative cinematography. This profound integration of queer elements sets RIPE! apart as a significant piece in modern queer cinema. In exploring themes of acceptance and self-realization. RIPE! the story culminates in a hopeful resolution that hints at the ongoing growth of its characters and creators.

RIPE! is a bold declaration of personal and professional development, a festivity of queer identity, and a powerful testament to the impact of narrative art. With its engaging story, breathtaking visuals, and memorable performances by Landolfi and Roca, RIPE! is destined to make a lasting impression, advocating for accepting and celebrating diverse personal truths across all media.

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.