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Shorts Can Pack Such a Punch

Catching Spirits -
O Homem Do Lixo (The Garbage Man) -     
It’s Nice in Here -     

Genre: Animation/Drama/Animation
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 12m/12m/15m
Director(s): Vanessa Beletic/Laura Gonçalves/Robert-Jonathan Koeyers
Where To Watch: TBA

RAVING REVIEW: Short films are one of the most intriguing types of filmmaking that I’ve gotten to experience. I was first (knowingly) introduced to them while trying to accomplish the Oscar Death Race. Previously I thought the only shorts that existed were before the occasional Disney animated film. Oh, boy, was I ever wrong!

These three films capture the spirit and heart of what it means to create short films—telling stories filled with passion and essential messages.

CATCHING SPIRITS: A story of heritage, fantasy, and following your passion. What can be told in 12 minutes? This story is complex and deep, even without a ton of dialogue. The visuals and the battle within oneself bring more questions than answers at first but ultimately pay off with the ending that is somewhat open to interpretation.

THE GARBAGE MAN: It’s an accurate measure of worth when a short animated film can bring you to tears by telling a story. All that most people have in life is the ability to leave their legacy behind, memories we’ve shared with friends and family. Remembering someone can be both healing and painful at the same time. There is so much to dissect here in such a short period, but the simple animation style lets you focus on the story.

IT’S NICE IN HERE: The best inspiration for a story that will be meaningful is one that reflects life and what is happening around us. An unfortunate but timely film that parallels the natural world in the US now, and although I think it may be a little “easy” on the guilty, it still shows the problematic system within the US. Even when you can easily predict what will happen, even when it’s in animated form, it is still hard to watch, process, and accept. I will be astonished if this isn’t nominated in the shorts category for the Oscars (although there’s already a lot of competition.

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.