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Exploring What It Means to Belong



Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2023, 2024 DVD from IndiePix Films
Runtime: 1h 32m
Director(s): Gillian Moody, Adrian Russell Wills
Where To Watch: available now, order here: or

RAVING REVIEW: KINDRED tells a profoundly resonant story that captures the heart with its depiction of Adrian Russell Wills and Gillian Moody, whose lives map a stirring journey back to their Aboriginal roots. Their tales, punctuated by a shared struggle for identity amid cultural disconnection, are explored and detailed in this evocative documentary.

The film introduces us to Adrian and Gillian, who discovered an extraordinary kinship while collaborating on a film project two decades ago. Their bond, rooted in shared experiences of adoption and cultural separation, pulses at the heart of KINDRED. The documentary elegantly chronicles their enduring friendship and parallel quests to reclaim their heritage, offering viewers a candid look at the complexities of their intertwined lives.

KINDRED showcases its story through a rich, layered narrative, utilizing various film techniques, including archival materials, personal home videos, and sincere interviews. This blend enriches the texture of the narrative and pulls the audience closer to Adrian and Gillian’s emotional and cultural explorations, touching on themes of racism, identity, and the yearning for connection. The directors stitch these elements together, creating a vivid mosaic that chronicles their journey and paints a broader picture of cultural disconnection and the search for personal truth.

The documentary portrays the universal challenges associated with adoption and identity while highlighting the unique resilience needed to forge a sense of belonging from fragmented beginnings. KINDRED engages a broad audience with its poignant exploration of deep-seated issues that resonate far beyond the personal stories of its main subjects.

KINDRED had a powerful impact upon its premiere, receiving accolades, including the First Nations Film Creative Award at the Melbourne International Film Festival. Its journey across the film festival circuit, marked by critical recognition, underscores the documentary's profound impact and the relevance of its themes.

Among the most touching aspects of the film are the heartfelt reunions with birth families. These encounters, particularly Gillian’s enriching reconnection and Adrian's poignant confrontations with loss are portrayed with a deep emotional nuance that offers audiences a visceral understanding of the joy and pain involved in rediscovering familial bonds.

KINDRED delves into the protagonists' struggles to balance their Aboriginal heritage with their upbringings in white families, effectively capturing the nuances of living between two worlds. The film navigates this delicate identity balance with sensitivity and insight, illuminating the broader implications for many facing similar circumstances.

The film extends its narrative reach to engage in broader societal discussions on race, adoption, and cultural identity in Australia. Its broadcast during National Reconciliation Week on National Indigenous Television (NITV) amplified its message, highlighting its significance as a tool for artistic discourse and understanding.

KINDRED transcends the traditional documentary format to become a profound narrative about identity, family, and the unyielding human spirit. Through the powerful stories of Adrian and Gillian, the film underscores the transformative power of self-discovery and the vital role of storytelling in bridging cultural divides.

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.