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Facing Fears in a Fight Against Evil

One for the Road


Genre: Horror
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 9m
Director(s): Daniel Carsenty
Writer(s): Corey Slater, Stephen King
Cast: Alexander Flores, Travis Hammer, Katie Adler, Elester Latham, Richard Clarke Larsen, Lisa Goodman, Enzo Fabiani
Where To Watch: showing at the 2024 LA Shorts Film Festival

RAVING REVIEW: In the dead of night, a remote diner sets the stage for ONE FOR THE ROAD, a film that treads the line between suspense and moral examination. Directed by Daniel Carsenty and written by Corey Slater, this adaptation of Stephen King’s story from his Night Shift collection weaves a tale of danger and selflessness, pushing the audience to question how far one should go to aid a stranger amidst peril.

The narrative plunges into a chilling scenario in which two drivers suddenly face a dilemma after encountering a distressed server and a mysterious visitor seeking help. The central theme challenges the protagonists—and the audience—to consider whether it is wise to extend help when it could mean risking one's safety. This moral conflict serves as the film's core, provoking thoughts on the boundaries of human kindness. At only 9 minutes, the film tackles some immense themes, and while doing so admirably, I don’t think we can fully appreciate what's at stake.

Carsenty, transitioning from various other types of films that explore dark human realities to a full-blown horror feature, seamlessly infuses his understanding of deep-seated fears and the slivers of hope that can emerge from them. His direction elevates the story, making it resonate with anyone who appreciates a gripping narrative layered with psychological complexity.

King's narrative provides a haunting backdrop for these characters. The protagonists enter a lethal blizzard to rescue a stranded family, only to face the ghost town's dark forces. This plot deepens the cinematic experience and amplifies the tension and stakes of their journey.

Slater’s script is notable for transforming typical horror motifs—like the desolate diner and the barren surroundings—into arenas of moral inquiry. The horror in ONE FOR THE ROAD is as much about the supernatural elements as it is about the ethical dilemmas faced by its characters, elevating it beyond typical genre constraints to reflect on the nature of compassion and its costs.

The film’s realization is a testament to the creative visions of all involved, who leveraged King’s Dollar Baby Program to bring this story to life. This program provided budding filmmakers a platform to reinterpret King’s tales, enriching the film landscape with new voices and visions. Unfortunately, it looks as though this may be one of the last projects for this program as it has ended.

Beyond the ghostly unknowns and the eerie setup, ONE FOR THE ROAD examines the perils tied to acts of kindness in a ruthless world. The film melds supernatural and psychological horror elements, underlining the intricate consequences of charitable actions. It invites viewers to ponder the tangible impacts of confronting one's fears in pursuit of helping others.

Ultimately, ONE FOR THE ROAD is an adaptation and cinematic piece that honors King’s storytelling while showcasing Carsenty’s distinctive flair. It challenges its audience to reckon with the profound costs of empathy and the essence of bravery, making its mark long after the credits roll.

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.