Armington‘s Hometown News Site

Minier Lanes Bowling Alley

Minier Lanes is a bowling alley that provides family fun to locals by way of bowling. They host many bowling leagues and events throughout the year that are enjoyed by citizens in Minier and the surrounding area. Some of their events include the 9 Pin no Tap Team Tournament, 9 Pin Snake Bite Tournament, and open bowling on the weekends. They have leagues available for children and adults to compete and have fun. Minier Lanes has extremely positive feedback with 4.9 stars out of 5 from 46 Google reviews. It is also highly recommended by Olympia High School’s IHSA State bowler Trevor White. 

Trevor is a Minier native himself, and has a very strong relationship with the Minier Lanes Bowling Alley. He has witnessed first hand the hard work and dedication that has made Minier Lanes a successful small town bowling alley. Trevor has enjoyed the events hosted at Minier Lanes throughout his childhood, growing up in the town. Trevor is a senior at Olympia High School this year, and received a scholarship to Missouri Valley College to compete for their bowling team throughout college.  “Having a supportive group at the Minier Lanes Bowling Alley has honestly helped lead me to success in my bowling career. I think that growing up in a town with a great bowling alley kind of kick started my passion for bowling. If I was not able to bowl as often as a kid, who knows if I ever would have really gotten into the sport.” 

Having the support of a future collegiate level bowler in Trevor, and many other outstanding bowlers in the area have really been a key to the Minier Lanes Bowling Alley’s success. Being in a small town can appear to be a large challenge on the outside looking in, but the relationships Minier Lanes has built with its local community has made it a lot less difficult to be successful. With many local community members seeing the bowling alley as a great option for some fun on a Friday or Saturday night, and others taking advantage of the tournaments available to them because of the bowling alley, Minier Lanes has a great impact on the community and it’s bowlers. 

Hayden Stork
Correspondent, Columnist


Hayden Stork, from Danvers, Illinois, was a Mail Correspondent covering the Olympia communities starting in February 2021 and was the Mail Sports Columnist from August 2021 until July 2022.