White’s Farm Equipment
White’s Farm Equipment is a business in Waynesville that sells new and used farm equipment and a variety of vintage tractor and machine parts. Looking more specifically at their products, they sell Westfield Augers, Big Dog Mowers, Bobcat Mowers, a variety of new and used equipment, Interstate Batteries, KillBro Grain Wagons, TroyBuilt, and Summers tillage and spray equipment. They also can provide maintenance to automotive, lawn mowers, and farm equipment. Being one of the only local farm equipment providers for Waynesville and other small towns in the area, White’s Farm Equipment is known for having a great connection with it’s customers. Their commitment to a strong relationship with Waynesville and other small towns has been a key factor in the business’ success.
Based on reviews that have been left on their Facebook page, White’s Farm Equipment is a very popular and customer friendly place to go for any farm equipment needs. Not a single review was left with a rating less than five stars. A few of these ratings left some comments, and all of those comments were very positive towards the business. “Service can’t be beaten anywhere around!” “Top notch people, nice little hometown dealership! If you can’t find it anywhere else, they have it!” “Great people to work with. I will definitely buy from them again.” It is very present that the Waynesville community is extremely supportive of White’s Farm Equipment.
The owner of White’s Farm Equipment, Cindy White, is from Wapella, IL, so she has had a fair amount of experience in small towns. Cindy also had worked for State Farm in the past, giving her a background in sales. Having an owner with this combination of a good small-town connection and solid experience in sales gives White’s Farm Equipment a great opportunity to be a very successful small-town business.