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Sylvia Kristel Knew How to Own a Screen

Julia (Es war nicht die Nachtigall)


Genre: Drama
Year Released: 1974, Eult Epics Blu-ray 2022
Runtime: 1h 44m
Director(s): Sigi Rothemund
Writer(s): Wolfgang Bauer
Cast: Jean-Claude Bouillon, Sylvia Kristel, Teri Tordai, Ekkehardt Belle, Gisela Hahn, Peter Berling, Rose Renée Roth, Dominique Delpierre, Christine Glasner
Where To Watch: This and others are available for purchase from

RAVING REVIEW: JULIA, directed by Sigi Rothemund and featuring Sylvia Kristel, a West German production that breaks away from conventional adult films and takes a bold approach to the themes of relationships, betrayal, and the loss of innocence. Set in the breathtaking Swiss Alps, the film follows the journey of a young man named Pauli as he navigates the complexities of relationships and betrayal.

JULIA offers a unique blend of humor, romance, and drama, with surreal comedic moments and emotionally charged scenes that keep the viewer on edge. The film accurately captures the essence of the 1970s. The cinematography, expertly captured by Heinz Hölscher, brings the stunning beauty of the locations and cast to life. Furthermore, the ensemble cast, including Ekkehardt Belle, Teri Tordai, and more, elevates the film to another level.

I was thoroughly impressed by Sylvia Kristel’s mesmerizing screen presence, which was expertly utilized in nearly every scene she appeared. This is the second film I’ve viewed of Kristel’s in just the last week (with another scheduled for tonight, PLAYING WITH FIRE.) She owns the screen without question. The film's score also adds to its overall experience; there’s no doubt about the genre in which this film is rooted.

Although JULIA may have a different impact than other European films of its time, including EMANUELLE, which Kristel also stars in, this still offers a balanced mix of drama and light comedy, with clever situations and stylish direction that keeps the viewer engaged. The cast of this film very much owned it, they knew what they were making, and you could tell there was a certain level of pride from them all.

The film is distributed by Cult Epics, a Los Angeles-based company specializing in controversial art films with a cult following. Cult Epics was founded in Amsterdam in 1991 and has a long history of releasing rare movies in the art-house, horror, and erotica genres. Over the years, the company has made over 150 titles available on home video and digital in the USA and Canada and continues to bring these films to a new generation of fans. With its commitment to releasing films that push the boundaries of traditional cinema, Cult Epics is a name to watch for movie lovers who appreciate films that challenge the status quo.

- New 2K HD Transfer (from original negative) & Restoration
- Original LPCM 2.0 Mono
- New DTS-HD MA 2.0 Stereo
- New 2K HD Transfer (from original negative) & Restoration
- Audio Commentary by Jeremy Richey (Author of Sylvia Kristel: From Emmanuelle to Chabrol)
- Promotional Gallery
- Trailers
- Dual-layered Disc
- The first printing includes Booklet w/ Essay by Writer Ulrich Mannes and Reversible Sleeve with Original German Reissue Poster Art
- Postcard

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[photo courtesy of CULT EPICS]

Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.