Serving Tremont, Illinois since 2020

Tremont Mail

Olympia West Family Fun Night

The Olympia West Elementary School PTO will be hosting a family fun night on Friday, May 6th from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. The event will host carnival games, inflatables, temporary tattoos, a cakewalk, a Glow Run, a silent auction, and food. Presale tickets will be available soon and will be 4 for a dollar and tickets bought at the door will be 3 for a dollar. This will be a fun night for all and if you are willing to help Olympia West’s PTO they are also looking for some more items for their silent auction. These can be new toys, gift cards, or gift baskets, all of which can be dropped off in Hopedale. 

Taylor Huffington

Taylor Huffington was a Mail Correspondent covering the Olympia communities from August 2021 until July 2022. She is from McLean, Illinois.