Tremont‘s Hometown News Site

Volunteers staff the donut stand during the 2021 July 4th Celebration [FILE PHOTO]

Hopedale to Host 4th of July Celebration

One of the longest running Independence Day celebrations in the State of Illinois is scheduled to kick off on Sunday, July 2, at the Hopedale Park, with festivities continuing until the fireworks display on Tuesday, July 4.

The Hopedale Lions Club, the sponsor of the event, invites all to enjoy the food and fun. 

The schedule of events are as follows:

Sunday, July 2nd

9:00 AM

Girls Softball Tournament (12U)

10:00 AM

Community Church Service in the Park

12:00 PM

Antique Tractor Pull

Monday, July 3rd

9:00 AM

Girls Softball Tournament (12U)
Medallion Clues start posting (Park Pavilion & Hopedale Happenings)

5:00 PM

Next Thing Smokin' (Stage behind Carnival)
Kitchen and Ice Cream Opens (Large Pavilion)
Donut Stand Opens
Fish Dinner (End of Large Pavilion)
Vendors Open
Carnival Opens

Tuesday, July 4th

7:30 AM

Reid Nannen Memorial 5K (Hopedale Wellness Center)
Medallion Clues Continue

8:00 AM

Car Show Registration

10:00 AM

Parade (Peace, Love and the 4th of July)

12:00 PM

Vendors Open
Kitchen Opens
Donut Stand Opens
Girls Softball Tournament (12U)
Carnival Opens

2:00 PM

Kids Tractor Pull (Between Ball Diamond and Pavilion)

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Stephanie Foster Band (Stage behind Carnival)

5:00 PM

Chicken Dinner (End of Large Pavilion)

7:00 PM

K&R Country (Stage behind Carnival)