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Entertainment|Dances With Films
A Chilling Take on Academic Pressure

Princeton's in the Mix

In the intriguing blend of satire and horror that is PRINCETON’S IN THE MIX, director Jonathan DiMaio tackles the fervent lengths to which affluent parents will stretch to boost their children’s academic prospects. With the Bay Area elite as its setting, the film cleverly contrasts the opulent lifestyle with the dark depths of parental desperation. At the core of this narrative is a mother’s anxiety over her son’s future, which drives the plot into humorously dark and unsettlingly sharp territories.

Unexpected Journey Through a Child's Eyes

Sally, Get the Potatoes

In a uniquely disturbing, isolated, yet somewhat welcoming household, young Sally (Kynlee Heiman) sets out on a seemingly simple errand that morphs into a significant exploration of life's more profound truths. SALLY, GET THE POTATOES elegantly weaves a narrative that transforms a brief 16-minute runtime into a riveting exploration of growing up. The film's narrative captures the tender yet tumultuous journey from innocence to a matured understanding of the world around us, making every minute count.