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Decoding Mysteries of the Past With Philo Vance

Philo Vance Collection - Passed -
- The Canary Murder Case
- The Greene Murder Case
- The Benson Murder Case

Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Year Released: 1929-1930, 2024 Kino Lorber Blu-ray
Runtime: 3h 33m
Director(s): Frank Tuttle, Malcolm St. Clair
Writer(s): S.S. Van Dine, Florence Ryerson, Albert S. Le Vino, Herman J. Mankiewicz, Louise Long, Bartlett Cormack, Richard H. Digges Jr.
Cast: William Powell, Jean Arthur, Louise Brooks, Paul Lukas, E.H. Calvert, Florence Eldridge, James Hall, William 'Stage' Boyd, Eugene Pallette, Ulrich Haupt, Natalie Moorhead, Mischa Auer
Where To Watch: available May 21, 2024; pre-order here, or

RAVING REVIEW: The Philo Vance Collection from Kino Lorber offers a trio of pre-code murder mysteries that reintroduce the suave detective Philo Vance, played by William Powell. Adapted from S.S. Van Dine's famous novels, these films weave sophisticated detective plots with the early aesthetics of sound cinema, offering a richly textured experience across each unique narrative. While Vance’s story has many other pieces, these films highlight who the detective is and what that character believes in.

THE CANARY MURDER CASE, with a blend of silent and sound film elements, crafts a peculiar cinematic texture. The film revolves around the enigmatic demise of the renowned performer, The Canary, embodied by Louise Brooks. Despite some stylistic hiccups—like the pauses from the film that harken back to its silent film roots—Brooks' performance is magnetic, anchoring the movie with her commanding presence. As Vance, Powell cuts through a thick web of deceit and blackmail, leading to startling revelations and a dramatically satisfying conclusion.

Transitioning to a darker, more atmospheric setting, THE GREENE MURDER CASE occurs within a gloomy mansion that effectively becomes its own character under Frank Tuttle’s direction. Though the plot may tread on familiar ground, the cleverly designed gothic ambiance maintains the suspense. Vance is plunged into the murky depths of family betrayal as he navigates the sinister dynamics of heirs competing for a fortune, each corner of the mansion echoing with secrets and suspense.

THE BENSON MURDER CASE shifts the setting to the edge of financial and social chaos, mirroring deeper tensions. Here, Vance tackles a complex murder mystery set against the backdrop of a luxurious country estate. Powell's portrayal of Vance is refined and astute as he maneuvers through a labyrinth of suspects with hidden agendas. This installment not only captivates with its plot but also captures the essence of its era, blending personal conflicts with broader societal commentary to engage and provoke thought.

The Philo Vance Collection serves as a bridge to the past, showcasing the evolution of narrative and technical aspects of early sound cinema while celebrating the art of mystery storytelling. These films are more than simple whodunits; they are a portal to the past. They offer a nostalgic look at classic filmmaking and riveting narratives that will attract longtime fans of the genre and those new to these cinematic puzzles. The collection’s combination of stellar performances and intricately crafted plots highlights the enduring appeal of a cleverly solved mystery.

These films not only revisit the nostalgic essence of early 20th-century detective films but also underscore the enduring allure of cinema that can engage and entertain across generations. Each film in the Philo Vance Collection offers a distinct glimpse into the art of storytelling through mystery and suspense, crafted with an attention to detail that is both instructive and entertaining.

Product Extras:
NEW Audio Commentaries for THE CANARY MURDER CASE and THE GREENE MURDER CASE by Novelist/Critic Kim Newman and Writer/Journalist Barry Forshaw
NEW Audio Commentary for THE BENSON MURDER CASE by Professor and Film Scholar Jason A. Ney
Optional English Subtitles

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[photo courtesy of KINO LORBER]

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.