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Revving Through Gender Norms

Women in the Front Seat


Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 14m
Director(s): Indy Saini
Where To Watch: Available on Prime Video

RAVING REVIEW: WOMEN IN THE FRONT SEAT is a film that takes viewers on a captivating journey into the world of female motorcycle riders. With a passion for storytelling that challenges stereotypes and explores the complexities of women's lives, director Indy Saini has created a movie highlighting these fearless women's bravery, individuality, and sisterhood. This film will appeal to a broad audience but has a target audience in mind.

Indy Saini's multicultural upbringing and years of producing theater in New York City have instilled in her a love for storytelling that questions societal norms. This love is evident in WOMEN IN THE FRONT SEAT, where Saini embarks on a cross-country journey to understand more about the women who ride motorcycles. This filmmaking journey was a transformative experience, as Saini encountered harsh weather conditions, exhaustion, and a personal crisis.

WOMEN IN THE FRONT SEAT showcases the individuality of each woman, from their unique stories of life and adventure to their motorcycle customizations. The film also highlights the bond of sisterhood that emerges among the women, who, despite their differences, share a common love for riding motorcycles. This a tribute to these women who take life by the “bars” and celebrate the human spirit.

While I’ll be the first to admit I don’t always notice music in films, this original score, composed by Catherine Joy, perfectly accentuates the story, which captures the women telling their stories throughout the film.

In conclusion, WOMEN IN THE FRONT SEAT is a film that should be seen by everyone who loves to defy stereotypes and take the road less traveled. It is a crowd-pleaser for biking enthusiasts and celebrates the bravery, individuality, and sisterhood of women who ride. Showcasing this community of women who go full throttle, their relationships with each other, and this unique world they inhabit. My only knock on the film is that I was left wanting to know more about these individuals and their stories. I loved getting to “meet” so many, but I could have seen this as a multipart series without hesitation.

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[photo courtesy of CATEYE FILMS]

Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.