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A Chilling Take on Academic Pressure

Princeton's in the Mix


Genre: Thriller, Short
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 15m
Director(s): Jonathan DiMaio
Writer(s): Jonathan DiMaio
Cast: Heather Burns, Nate Duncan, Syra McCarthy, Charlie Besso, Atim Udoffia, Antonio Alonzo Ayala, Mya Travis, Roisin Longfellow, Niko Playdon, Mikee Loria, Peter Farias
Where To Watch: world premiere at the 2024 Dances With Films

RAVING REVIEW: In the intriguing blend of satire and horror that is PRINCETON’S IN THE MIX, director Jonathan DiMaio tackles the fervent lengths to which affluent parents will stretch to boost their children’s academic prospects. With the Bay Area elite as its setting, the film cleverly contrasts the opulent lifestyle with the dark depths of parental desperation. At the core of this narrative is a mother’s anxiety over her son’s future, which drives the plot into humorously dark and unsettlingly sharp territories.

Heather Burns brings Beth, a mother on the brink, to life in a riveting blend of humor and angst. Despite his devotion to the piano, her son, Teddy (Charlie Besso), struggles to meet the academic benchmarks for admission into a top-tier college. Her distress is amplified by her interactions with other parents who are equally anxious about their children's educational futures. These shared fears lead to a series of decisions that spiral out of control, brilliantly captured by DiMaio’s narrative touch.

PRINCETON’S IN THE MIX thrives on its classical horror motifs, set against a backdrop of affluent lifestyles and underscored by the eerie melodies of Franz Liszt’s "La Campanella." The music’s fluctuating tempo mirrors the mounting tension, enriching the film’s ambiance and accentuating the stark divide between the characters' polished facades and grim machinations.

DiMaio’s adeptness at blending different film techniques is also fully displayed in PRINCETON’S IN THE MIX. The director employs a controlled, deliberately paced camera that smoothly captures the escalating tension within this world, emphasizing the dichotomy between the serene visuals and the narrative’s underlying horror. The use of lighting is particularly effective, crafting visually stunning and emotionally disturbing scenes. These elements combine to create a cinematic experience that tells a compelling story and pushes the boundaries of the horror-comedy genre. The film’s meticulous attention to detail and the cohesive integration of visual cues with thematic undertones exemplify DiMaio’s capability to harness the medium's full potential to enhance storytelling.

Burns shines in her portrayal of Beth, encapsulating the extreme measures a parent might consider under immense pressure. The supporting cast contributes to the film’s thematic richness, blending dark humor with horror to reflect the absurdity and darkness of the character's predicaments.

The film poignantly critiques societal norms and the extreme measures some will undertake to maintain a veneer of status and privilege. DiMaio’s critique is backed by his experience in human rights and education, providing depth to his examination of the moral conflicts that plague his characters. His director’s statement underscores this commentary, discussing his goals to expose the ethical challenges families face within the hyper-competitive academic environment.

PRINCETON’S IN THE MIX is more than a simple horror-comedy; it’s a compelling critique of ambition and ethical boundaries woven into a narrative that is as thought-provoking as it is chilling. It stands out in the horror-comedy genre, offering a sharp, satirical look at the intersection of societal expectations, parental desperation, and the often-overlooked consequences of such an explosive mix. My only knock on the film would be its short runtime; I couldn’t be as invested in the story as I would have liked. I hope this is just the stepping stone to a feature production that can dive deeper into these characters and the extremes they’re willing to push to achieve greatness.

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[photo courtesy of VANISHING PICTURES]

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.