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A Night of Musical Mastery

Todd Rundgren - Liars Live


Genre: Music
Year Released: 2004, 2024 Blu-ray
Runtime: 2h 40m
Director(s): Ralph Umhoefer
Where To Watch: available July 19, 2024; pre-order here,, or

RAVING REVIEW: When Todd Rundgren took the stage on June 9, 2005, in Albany, NY, little did we know that this performance would eventually grace our screens in a captivating Blu-Ray performance we could watch at home time and time again. Now available for all to see, this recording captures the essence of Rundgren’s 2004 album LIARS, along with a mix of timeless classics like "Hello It's Me" and a memorable rendition of The Beatles' "While My Guitar Gently Weeps." Joined by his seasoned bandmates from Utopia—Kasim Sulton, Jesse Gress, and Prairie Prince—Rundgren delivers a show that vibrates with the diverse rhythms that have underscored his lengthy career.

Starting in the psychedelic haze of the 1960s with Nazz, Todd Rundgren began forging a path that would veer sharply from the mainstream beats of the day. His journey through the vivid sounds of LIARS demonstrates a continuing quest to blend philosophical musings with his musical innovations. This concert is a profound discourse, wrapped in the melodic flows of a live show, diving into themes of reality versus illusion—a recurring motif in Rundgren's work.

Rundgren’s repertoire has always been about pushing the envelope. Whether experimenting with digital chaos in No World Order or redefining the sound landscape with his voice alone in A Cappella, Rundgren has proven his mettle as an innovator. This night in Albany reaffirms his commitment to breaking sonic barriers, translating his studio genius into a live format rich in quality and expansive in its emotional reach.

Moreover, Rundgren’s independence in music production is prominently displayed through his use of the PatroNet platform, which allows him to bypass traditional music industry constraints and connect directly with his audience. This autonomy is palpable in his performances, where his personal touch transforms the concert into an intimate gathering.

The LIARS album itself, intricate and multi-layered, is dissected live as Rundgren weaves between its themes with the ease of a seasoned storyteller. He critiques the superficiality of modern pop in "Soul Brother" and delves into human psychology in "Happy Anniversary," compelling the audience to engage with the music on a deeper level.

This Blu-Ray release continues Rundgren's exploration of music's artistic and philosophical aspects. Audience members are not merely spectators but participants in a journey of discovery, prompted by Rundgren to uncover deeper truths within the harmonies and lyrics. While long-time fans of his will surely love this experience, a first-timer like myself found a ton to be intrigued by. There were some hiccups in the live aspect of the performance, but as a whole, this shows why he has had the longevity that he has!

As Todd Rundgren marches forward, exploring new musical domains and technological frontiers, he remains a guiding light for those who seek to appreciate music’s broader implications. His performance in Albany is not just another live act; it's a pivotal moment in the narrative of an artist unafraid to challenge, innovate, and inspire. We are all invited to look forward to more of Rundgren’s artistic endeavors, which continue to push the boundaries of music and its capacity to express the inexpressible.

Track Listing:
Buffalo Grass
Fascist Christ
I Hate My Frickin' I.S.P.
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
God Said
Soul Brother
Love Science
Born To Synthesize
Feel It
The Want Of A Nail
Hello It's Me
Just One Victory

Bonus Materials
Includes bonus Trailers, Slide Show & more!

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Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.