Promising Premise Trapped in Artificial Animation
Mombomb, Part 1
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Fantasy, Animation
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 5m
Director(s): Patricia Beckmann-Wells
Writer(s): Patricia Beckmann-Wells
Cast: Patricia Beckmann-Wells
Where To Watch: shown at the 2025 Slamdance Film Festival
RAVING REVIEW: This could have been a celebration of something unique, memorable, and original. Unfortunately, in the case of MOMBOMB, PART 1, that’s not quite the situation. The filmmakers behind this ambitious yet misguided effort aim to mix a dark sense of comedy, real-life horrors, and personal trauma into one package. Yet, what should be a captivating thriller instead comes across more like a curious tech demo. While I admire the underlying purpose and bravery of the story’s deeply personal roots, it’s challenging to appreciate a film where (AI) artificial intelligence takes over so aggressively, overshadowing the narrative it aims to support.
Set in Toledo, Ohio, during the 1970s—a hotbed of sinister events and urban legends—the story revolves around Pez, a Girl Scout raised in conditions that would make most movie heroines rethink their life choices. Her mother, having survived the horrors of war, ensures Pez knows that danger isn’t just something you find in dark alleys or horror films—it’s part of daily life. Pez is taught caution and outright survival tactics, unlike her more sheltered peers. Her childhood is tinged with warnings that children typically only hear in spooky campfire stories. This idea—that real horror is often hiding behind familiar faces—gives the film a captivating premise.
Behind the camera, the personal touch is clear. The story is rooted deeply in creator Patricia Beckmann-Wells’ life experiences, bringing a disturbing authenticity that should elevate it beyond standard horror fare. Growing up, Wells unknowingly lived under the shadow of two notorious serial killers responsible for multiple crimes in her neighborhood. It’s a chilling scenario: children living in the unknown, danger lurking out of sight, protected only by warnings and folklore. This chilling, real-world backdrop lends the story immediate dramatic potential.
However, the approach here is puzzling at best and outright distracting at worst. MOMBOMB, PART 1 relies entirely on AI-generated visuals, attempting to add a layer of experimental style. Unfortunately, instead of enhancing the fear factor, the film’s animation does precisely the opposite. Characters feel strangely disconnected, emotions diluted, and the horror feels too mechanical to resonate. Facial expressions and movements are stilted, often pulling viewers out of any immersive experience the story tries to create.
The film inadvertently sparks an important conversation about the ethical use of technology in filmmaking. Is art still art when machine learning becomes the creator? This film doesn’t convincingly argue for AI’s use. Instead, it highlights why human intuition and depth matter in visual storytelling. The animation consistently reminds viewers that this isn’t merely a choice; it’s a shortcut that sacrifices engagement for novelty.
Aside from the overuse of artificial visuals, another challenge facing the film is its handling of pacing and depth. With a runtime barely exceeding five minutes, the film struggles to cover the dense subject matter it sets out to explore. Themes of generational trauma, survival instincts, and hidden violence are hinted at, but there's barely enough room for them to develop. Sure, this is just part 1, but the five-minute runtime spends almost its entirety building a world and never exploring it.
Despite its clear shortcomings, MOMBOMB, PART 1 isn’t without merit. The concept of a horror comedy confronting hidden truths through a feminist lens remains compelling. The underlying idea of equipping a young girl with fairy tales and practical survival skills in a dark world is intriguing and relevant. This take could have been truly powerful had it been given the depth and emotional weight it deserved.
Going forward, the creators might consider combining practical effects or traditional animation methods with their AI experiments rather than relying on technology alone. The film industry has long thrived on innovation, but successful films find ways to balance new tech with genuine human creativity. Even the most visually groundbreaking movies need strong storytelling and character depth to connect meaningfully with audiences. Without these foundations, any technological advances become superficial gimmicks.
Ultimately, the film attempts to be groundbreaking but becomes a cautionary example. It proves that not all innovations lead to artistic breakthroughs. While I appreciate the courage behind such an unconventional approach, the film’s emotional emptiness remains its greatest downfall. There's something worth exploring here, but the AI aspect must serve the narrative—not dominate it. If the filmmakers can balance technology with storytelling in future installments, they might still deliver something worthy of intruige. Unfortunately, as it stands, MOMBOMB, PART 1 feels more like an experiment gone wrong than a captivating horror tale.
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