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Olympia High School Weekly Sports Recap

Post-season for Olympia High School athletics is coming into full gear. Just this week Girls Track and Field competed in their IHSA Sectional Meet. Anna Beiber qualified for State at the meet with a time of 2:21.68, just 2 seconds under the state qualifying time. Melissa Bieber just barely missed the qualifying time by .29 seconds with a 47.98 in the 300 hurdles, which is less than a second off the school record. Boys Track and Field will compete in their Sectional this coming week on the 18th.

Both Softball and Baseball will begin their post-seasons in the coming week with Baseball starting their Regionals on Monday against Clinton and Softball on Tuesday against New Berlin. The Baseball team ended their season with three wins and two losses. Their game on Saturday against Mackinaw resulted in an 11-0 win for the team, then they faced two losses one against Unity 6-11 and the other against Williamsville 11-16. They finished their week strong with a 16-0 win against Illini Central and an 8-3 win against Prairie Central. This concludes the team’s regular-season and ends them with a record of 11-12-1.

The Softball team only played two games this week with the first being against Prairie Central on Monday where they won 14-4. Then, on Wednesday, the team played a challenging game against Normal Community and went into extra innings to gain an 11-9 win. The team ends their regular season with a 21-4 record and are Conference Champs going into the post-season.  Girls Soccer played their Regional game against U-High 10-0 concluding their 2022 season.

Taylor Huffington

Taylor Huffington was a Mail Correspondent covering the Olympia communities from August 2021 until July 2022. She is from McLean, Illinois.