Atlanta‘s Hometown News Site

Electronic Recycling

Residents of Atlanta Township and the City of Atlanta are encouraged to join the City of Atlanta in partnership with CJD E-cycling on Saturday, April 20, 2024 for an electronic recycling event. Please bring any items with a cord or made of metal to the city parking lot adjacent to the Atlanta Public Library from 9 a.m. to noon for recycling.

Please note:

  • All items must be in trunk or rear of van or truck. Employees WILL NOT get into the backseat of vehicles to remove items -- the owner must do so.
  • Some items have a disposal fee. Cash or Check Only accepted (no credit cards).
  • Please wrap and secure cords.
  • Please enter on the temporary street between Township Shed and the Library off of Arch St. Exit onto Race Street when leaving. There will be ONE WAY traffic through the collection site.

No Charge for these acceptable items:

Blenders, cable receivers/boxes, car and lawn mower batteries, cell phones, clocks, computer cables, keyboards and mice, computer towers, digital converter boxes, dishwashers, dryers, DVD players/recorders, fax machines, holiday lights, metal decorations, non-ferrous metal furniture such as file cabinets and desks, microwaves, landline phones, portable digital music players, printers, satellite receivers, servers, scanners, stereos, switches, telecommunication equipment, toasters, VCRs, video game consoles, and washing machines.

Acceptable items at minimal charge ($5 - $35):

Alkaline batteries, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, cassette tapes, explosives (firearms, ammunition, shells), flammable materials, hazardous materials (oil, antifreeze, paint), household smoke detectors, light bulbs, and radioactive materials.