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This Once Trusted Organization Has Fallen From Grace

Boy Scout’s Honor

 (adult content) -     

Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 27m
Director(s): Ash Patiño
Writer(s): Ash Patiño
Featuring: Aaron Averhart, Bruce Nagel, Dawn Hughes, Michael Kalinowski, Bradley Rice, Therese Bottomly
Where To Watch: available on demand Tuesday, December 13, 2022; find out more at Boy Scout's Honor Website

RAVING REVIEW: Watching this left me feeling hollow and empty. Hearing about the acts of abuse at the hands of those who were meant to protect these children tore me up inside. The organization that once stood for something else will forever be tarnished in my eyes.

The Boy Scouts of America have amassed more than 82,000 lawsuits against them due to pedophiles in their organization. Not only that, but the $2.7 billion settlement speaks louder than words. This once proud organization may never fully recover from the damage it allowed.

This documentary is about the Scouts' leadership decisions to cover the tracks of vile monsters within their ranks. The main focus here is on William (Bill) Sheehan, his countless acts of abuse, and more against scouts under his care. While it’s obvious Sheehan was to blame, “the organization was keeping hidden files on these pedophiles” without telling parents or the public and instead trying to move them around and handle it in their way.

There is so much talk about “grooming” lately, while I’m sure most of those spewing those words would defend the Scouts to their grave. “While 81% of scouting cases were reported, grooming techniques were involved.” Many victims will walk away with as little as $3500 for a lifetime of torment and long-lasting mental health issues.

So many victims haven’t spoken of their experiences for fear of retaliation, especially as a child. One of the most heartbreaking stories was when a scout returned year after year out of fear of people not believing them, resulting in even more abuse, amplified each year. Ultimately this organization that was supposed to protect these children let them be taken advantage of and, as a result, let them be scared for life.

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[photo courtesy of B. NAGEL FILMS]

Chris Jones
Entertainment Editor

Chris Jones is the Mail Entertainment Editor covering Movies and Television topics. He is from Washington, Illinois, and is the owner, writer, and editor of Overly Honest Reviews.