Symbiotic Sinister Sensations

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The Fifth Thoracic Vertebra


Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Year Released: 2022, 2023 IndiePix Unlimited
Runtime: 1h 4m
Director(s): Syeyoung Park
Writer(s): Syeyoung Park
Cast: Jihyeon Park, Hyein Moon, Seokyoung Haam
Language: Korean with English subtitles
Where To Watch: makes its North American premiere on SVOD service IndiePix Unlimited on October 20, 2023

RAVING REVIEW: Syeyoung Park catapults us into a world both intriguingly horrifying and thoughtfully empathetic with THE FIFTH THORACIC VERTEBRA, offering a narrative that is as sinister as it is unexpectedly tender. In this hybrid of somber reflections and insidious otherworldly connections, the viewers find themselves entwined in a story that sticks to the consciousness despite shuffling effortlessly between genres, provoking contemplation long after the end credits roll.

In a tale where melancholy meets the macabre, a fungus from a long-abandoned mattress embarks on an improbable adventure that melds its existence with the humans it subtly controls. The storyline, crafted with precision by Syeyoung, presents the fungus as an entity oscillating between various roles: a silent observer, an unwitting participant, and a subtle oppressor. This unusual adversary evolves into a discussion that reshapes the narrative, pondering the delicate threads that intertwine life, death, and existence. THE FIFTH THORACIC VERTEBRA tends to lean into introspective and heartbreakingly poignant narratives.

Syeyoung foregoes passive cinematic storytelling with layers of unforeseen sorrow and awe through a premise that strikes us as freshly innovative. While maintaining its primal nature, the fungus morphs into other forms, unfurling a story that spans generations. It provides a distinct narrative from a peculiarly non-human viewpoint, witnessing human behaviors, actions, decay, and the perpetually shifting nature of human relationships.

Fungi, positioned as sustainers and extinguishers of life, symbolizes their embodiment of life and decay in our reality, crafting an allegory of life and death’s cyclical nature. It maneuvers through the terrains of human emotional and physical landscapes, morphing into an unusual metaphor for time, love, decay, and the enigmatic infinity of existence. Despite the human protagonists being spotlighted due to the film’s deliberately abbreviated runtime, the mattress continually prevails, observing and reluctant part of their disparate yet interwoven stories.

THE FIFTH THORACIC VERTEBRA draws the audience into a dimension where the boundaries between horror and beauty, observer and participant, and predator and guardian are delicately entwined in a multifaceted ballet of temporal and emotional sequences. Park entices the audience to witness and reflect upon this interplay, diving them into contemplation about their interactions, losses, and the unnoticed, unobserved spectators within their journeys.

THE FIFTH THORACIC VERTEBRA manages to craft a film realm that is as emotionally riveting as it is cerebrally stimulating, ensuring its narrative is not simply watched but deeply felt and pondered upon by its audience, making it a cinematic experience that’s not easily forgotten.

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[photo courtesy of INDIEPIX FILMS]

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