A Boy Who Used Fabric as His Shield to Hide Himself Grows Up
Let Me Be Me
Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2021
Runtime: 1h 15m
Director: Dan Crane and Katie Taber
Writer: Dan Crane
Where To Watch: In Theaters and Streaming February 25th
A big shoutout to Greenwich Entertainment for letting me review their newest documentary, “Let Me Be Me,” about Kyle Westphal and his family's journey and his triumphs in life. The IMDb synopsis reads, “A family connects to their autistic son through a radical treatment program.” This is only the tip of the iceberg for what this film is really about. I was blown away watching his story; it made me feel so happy to see this all unfold in front of our eyes.
There are some moments in this film that could trigger those with autism or who have loved ones that do. I’m not suggesting ignoring these moments, but it can be susceptible. It’s shown as a “how far we’ve come” style video clip but can still be a little jarring at times. Throughout the film, it makes you feel better, watching how far things have come.
At only six years old, Kyle was diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum. Autism used to be treated no differently than many other conditions that doctors didn’t know how to treat. Kyle’s parents were determined to connect with their son and, in doing so, made strides in the treatment (although looking back at it, it was still far from perfect.) The previous doctor's solutions were anything but scientific.
This documentary is beautiful; simply put, it's a story about the path one takes and what following your heart can bring you. Importantly Kyle and his family can reflect on this journey and reminisce about moments from his childhood. Kyle has excelled in his adult life, and because of that, he’s been able to follow his passions. I give Kyle’s family so much credit for looking to the future and not just accepting the norm. I give Kyle all the credit in the world for becoming everything he had wished. I can only hope that this documentary lets someone see how brilliant a designer he is and helps him with the fashion line he wants to create.
This film touched my heart personally; seeing the progression in treatments available (just in Kyle’s lifespan) has given me so much hope. It’s no longer treated as something wrong but as something to be championed individually. There will always be a movement to make, but it's essential to keep looking forward. Just remember that whenever you feel down, you can think of Kyle and his smile and know how great things can be just around the corner.
Time changes everything, mainly for the better; education and understanding are crucial to making the world a better place to live for everyone. Each person has the power within themselves to fulfill their dreams and at the same time help others reach their goals as well. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes can be a truly eye-opening experience. Always try to be better, help those around you and always think about what you would do in their situation.
To learn more about this film, visit: https://www.letmebemefilm.com/
To learn more about autism, visit: https://www.autismspeaks.org/
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