A Heartwarming Family Story With a Mysterious Twist
Nona and Her Daughters (Nona et ses filles)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Year Released: 2021 –
Runtime: 9 x 27m episodes
Creator(s): Valérie Donzelli, Clémence Madeleine-Perdrillat
Cast: Miou-Miou, Virginie Ledoyen, Valérie Donzelli, Clotilde Hesme, Barnaby Metschurat,
Michel Vuillermoz, Rüdiger Vogler, Antoine Reinartz
Language: French with English subtitles
Where To Watch: Streams May 2 on MHz Choice www.mhzchoice.com
RAVING REVIEW: Venturing into television for the first time, Valérie Donzelli, in collaboration with Clémence-Madeleine Perdrillat, brings us the enchanting French TV series NONA AND HER DAUGHTERS. This comedy unravels the story of a 70-year-old grandmother's surprise pregnancy and the lives of her grown daughters. I will also mention, for anyone hesitant about subtitles, a half-hour TV show is a beautiful way to dip your toe in the water without committing to a full hour and a half plus movie. Not to mention that MHz Choice is offering a seven-day trial now!
The series examines the themes such as self-discovery, female empowerment, bodily autonomy, media presence, and scientific research, giving voice to women's right to choose their destinies.
Renowned actress Miou-Miou, a ten-time César Award nominee, stars as Nona, the family's matriarch. She manages a planned parenthood clinic in Paris while residing in a Montmartre apartment with her daughters. The series fuses drama and comedy throughout its nine episodes, dissecting motherhood, feminism, and family dynamics.
The predominantly female cast shines in this love letter of what it means to be a woman. The series takes turns examining various aspects of femininity and the challenges, battles, and victories of life. As well as balancing the old and the new, looking at modern-day issues against the backdrop of lessons learned from the past.
The plot of NONA AND HER DAUGHTERS revolves around Nona's enigmatic pregnancy; Nona's secretive nature keeps her family in the dark. At the same time, her doctor (Rüdiger Vogler) and a midwife (Barnaby Metschurat) become entangled in the family's evolving web of questions.
This offbeat feminist comedy is character-driven and balances humor with a touch of fantasy. The audience becomes immersed in Nona's mysterious pregnancy journey and her daughters' mission to discover their father's identity. Mixing drama and comedy creates an engaging series that sometimes feels like one long film. (possibly because I binged all nine episodes together)
The series gradually reveals that family members are defined not only by their roles as mother, daughter, or sister but also by their flaws, secrets, and unfulfilled desires. This added dimension lends humanity to the story, making the characters relatable and endearing.
Take the chance to discover this charming French gem that combines humor, emotion, and a touch of magic. With its compelling cast, inventive plot, and striking visuals, NONA AND HER DAUGHTERS is a series that exceeds expectations and will steal your heart. This delightful French TV series will make you laugh, think, and connect with its memorable characters.
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[photo courtesy of MHZ CHOICE]
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