A New Film Genre Bred Out of Necessity
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 45m
Director(s): Samesh Ramjattan
Writer(s): Samesh Ramjattan & Tiffany Flynn
Cast: Amber Doig-Thorne, Bibi Lucille, Laura McQuiggin, Jasmine Rachelle, Heather Elise, Lucia France
Where To Watch: Drops 4/22 on digital and VOD
I’ve seen several newer movies use the webcam idea to be able to shoot safely while still having a connected film. This is probably the most unique and best use of the pandemic webcam genre (yeah, I just made that up, but necessity breeds invention.) Sure it had been done before, and it wasn’t related to the pandemic, but for the immediate future, I will consider that the reason anytime I see it, lol.
With a small and intimate cast, the film keeps you in the conversation from the first frame. It’s dialogue-driven and very well done with the scope they filmed it in. Limiting the interactions between characters had to be a nightmare for the writers and director. While you could tell the film was done on a budget, you could also see that the cast and crew had a passion for what they were creating.
Passion about a project can let you compensate for some lacking aspects in a movie. Ultimately, what makes a good movie is its intention; I will always use AMITYVILLE: MT. MISERY ROAD as an example of what not to do. With that film, they had money and some equipment; they did a vanity project that was miserable to watch. While this film was done on a budget, the creativity was shining through the entire time. It was well thought out, kept you thinking the whole movie, had several shocking reveals, and when effects were used, they were well done to not take you out of the film.
I was impressed with the entire cast; they all managed to convey emotions that had me convinced on screen. They worked well together to tell this story with many twists and turns. One of my favorite moments was when someone disconnected a phone call, it was reminiscent of slamming an old land-line phone receiver, and I loved it. Yes… I did just age myself. Ironically one of the only major issues I had with it was how smooth the chat went; I’ve never seen a video chat with 5+ webcams without someone having constant issues. Yes… I did just age myself.
If you’re looking for a fun thriller that can keep you trying to figure the story out the majority of the film, I would highly recommend this!
Thank you to AJ Feuerman for allowing me to screen this one, with more on the way.
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I really am not minding the webcam footage movies. In a lot of ways I like it more then the video recorder movies (except Blair Witch.. all hail the Queen of found footage) But with some of the video recorder first person movies I end up feeling motion sick. But with the web cam footage I don’t. I feel like I am part of their conversation.