A New Take on Coming-of-Age Storytelling
Falcon Lake
Genre: Drama, Romance
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 40m
Director(s): Charlotte Le Bon
Writer(s): François Choquet, Charlotte Le Bon, Bastien Vives
Cast: Joseph Engel, Sara Montpetit, Monia Chokri, Arthur Igual, Karine Gonthier-Hyndman, Thomas Laperrière, Anthony Therrien, Pierre-Luc Lafontaine, Lévi Doré, Jeff Roop
Language: French, English with English subtitles
Where To Watch: in select theaters nationwide June 2, available digitally June 13, 2023 (see it at a theater near you www.falconlakefilm.com)
RAVING REVIEW: First and foremost, I have to get this out of the way upfront; I’ve seen too many reviews of this film that take issue with the narrative of the film. This is part of life, and if this film makes you uncomfortable, you need to consider why you’re allowing yourself to be affected that way by this. Actress Charlotte Le Bon dabbles in the art of direction for the first time with her feature FALCON LAKE, daringly exploring the coming-of-age story that challenges the standard version shown on screen. Against the calming Quebec's summer backdrop, our protagonist, Bastien, portrayed by Joseph Engel with genuine authenticity, experiences the struggles of growing up. This 13-year-old summer peaceful holiday suddenly flips when Sara Montpetit's character, Chloé, a perplexing 16-year-old, enters the scene.
The film engages the viewers with youthful exuberance, the exhilaration of forming new social connections, and the initial stirrings of romantic interests. FALCON LAKE entices us with the dynamic between Chloé and Bastien, which flutters between friendly ties and the potential spark of a deeper bond. It immerses the audience in a charming summer ambiance, skillfully interweaving delightful friendships, touching moments, the initiation of young love, and the uncanny charm of Chloé's more extensive world.
With a blend of wisdom and humor, Le Bon encapsulates the dual essence of adolescence's ups and downs. She highlights the universal journey from innocent childhood to the convoluted teenage period, brimming with hidden emotions, unfiltered experiences, and lingering echoes of shared pasts. FALCON LAKE's unique 4:3 aspect ratio, calming color palette, and symbolic depth infuse it with an allure that encapsulates viewers in a realm of genuine human bonds.
While FALCON LAKE paints a truthful canvas of teenage existence, it is not afraid to tackle the dramatic; the film narrative veers shockingly towards a finale you won’t see coming, pivoting from character-driven drama to a jaw-dropping conclusion that makes the entire experience play out differently in this small piece of the universe created by Le Bon.
With FALCON LAKE, an adaption of Bastien Vivès' graphic novel "A Sister," the story keeps the spirit of the original intact while movie the location from the Gulf of Morbihan to Quebec's lush forests. The riveting performances by Engel and Montpetit, synchronized with Shida Shahabi's soul-stirring musical compositions, heighten the film's charisma and brings the pages of the graphic novel to life.
FALCON LAKE skillfully tackles clichés and elements of a thriller and mystery, injecting fresh energy into a narrative that could easily have slipped into predictability. Chloé's nightmarish imaginations instill a sense of impending dread, adding another layer of intrigue. Kristof Brandl's spellbinding cinematography breaks free from conventional depictions, masterfully capturing the color palette of a Canadian summer.
FALCON LAKE stands as an intriguing monument to the power of storytelling; its plotline and intricate story manage to keep viewers on the precipice of the unknown. Unraveling the film's suspenseful finish requires a keen eye and alert mind to connect the dots using the clues scattered throughout the film's runtime.
FALCON LAKE is a heartfelt nod to the firsts, the emotional imprints of past experiences, and the irresistible pull of what is to come. Le Bon skillfully mixes these elements, leaving her unique impression on a genre plagued by worn-out narratives and stereotypical characters. FALCON LAKE's finale leaves viewers with more questions than it gives them, mirroring the unknown of the next steps in life.
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[photo courtesy of YELLOW VEIL PICTURES]
Average Rating