A Tasty Treat for Us All to Share
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 54m
Director: Mimi Cave
Writer: Lauryn Kahn
Cast: Daisy Edgar-Jones, Sebastian Stan, Jojo T. Gibbs
Where To Watch: Streaming on Hulu March 4
A fresh take on an old classic (yep, I went there!) We explore an exciting take on the horror genre from first-time feature director Mimi Cave. I always do my best not to spoil films in my reviews; this one will be no different to the extent that I won’t be comparing it to other films with a similar type of experience.
Sebastian Stan (“Avengers,” “Pam & Tommy”) gave such a fun performance throughout this. His character was unique because he was playing the same role the entire film, but the circumstances surrounding him changed and, in turn, kept you on your toes. His co-lead Daisy Edgar-Jones (“Normal People,” “War of the Worlds”), ended up capturing the tone and imagination of the film in every scene. It was a delight watching her play off of Stan, yet at the same time, she was able to create tension and mystique just as much on scenes where she was alone. In what was a two-person show, Jojo T. Gibbs managed to steal her scenes with fantastic and witty remarks and ended up being what could be considered the true hero of the film.
My favorite part of the film was that every time you thought you had things figured out, you didn’t. You may have been able to guess a thing or two, but ultimately the unpredictability of the movie gave some of the best moments. It starts with what I can only describe as a classic dating comedy, with one of the most memorable opening scenes I’ve seen in a time. Brett Dier, one of my favorite “teachers” from the unfortunately short-lived TV series “Schooled,” gave a performance that made me hate him, and I loved it! I thought we were in for a one-trick pony in terms of the story for a while.
I love when a synopsis doesn’t spoil anything; this one described everything perfectly without giving anything away “The horrors of modern dating seen through one young woman's defiant battle to survive her new boyfriend's unusual appetites.” Too often, even an IMDb synopsis can ruin some significant plot points. I would suggest not digging too far into more information if you plan on watching it ultimately. I could see some reviews giving away far too much and overall spoiling it.
I loved the simple setting of the film; it was a very “modern” style for most of it, which gave you a chance to focus on the characters on the screen instead of everything going on around them. The effects, especially the practical ones, really made you feel like you belonged within this universe. Too often, horror especially goes over the top, and it almost takes you out of the film. We got just the right amount of realism in an otherwise unreal world.
A huge thanks to Searchlight Pictures for letting me screen this gem; if you have the chance, make sure to check it out on Hulu on March 4th.
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Your description leaves me excited to watch
I loved this movie so much and I feel like it didn’t get the traction it really deserved. It was rooted in current pop culure and dating issues. I am Mollie. I am always an alert and checking in with my people. So I feel her character was true to form for a lot of woman in our current society. I also really enjoyed how it high lighted how many risks woman really face while dating.