Adams’ Evolution: a Gruesome Narrative Arc
Where the Devil Roams/The Deeper You Dig
Genre: Horror, Drama
Year Released: 2023, 2019
Runtime: 1h 33m, 1h 35m
Director(s): Zelda Adams, John Adams, Toby Poser
Writer(s): John Adams, Toby Poser, Zelda Adams
Cast: Zelda Adams, Toby Poser, John Adams, Lulu Adams, Sam Rodd
Where To Watch: WHERE THE DEVIL ROAMS US premiere at Fantastic Fest, THE DEEPER YOU DIG available streaming now
See my review of The Adams Family’s second film, HELLBENDER, here www.ohmr.themailnewspapers.com
RAVING REVIEW: In indie horror, there is a deep competition to stand out and do something others haven’t done. The genre is packed with countless imitations, all fighting for their spot in the light. Yet, The Adams family steered their storytelling ship through its murky waters, bringing unsettling and touchingly real tales to the forefront of the festival circuit and beyond. Dive in as we explore two distinct chapters of their dark universe. So, little did I know that last year, when I watched this indie horror film called HELLBENDER, I was in for a much deeper exploration. I had never heard of The Adams Family (the all-in-one production company family) and their lofty goals in the filmmaking world. They star, direct, write, and produce their indie horror films and have made a name for themselves multiple times. HELLBENDER (see my review linked above) was their second prominent feature, and I saw their names pop up again for an upcoming festival for WHERE THE DEVIL ROAMS; needless to say, I was excited; HELLBENDER showed so much of what they had to offer. So I immediately reached out to get a screener for their newest venture; in doing so, I was honored with a screener of THE DEEPER YOU DIG, their 2019 premiere (there were a few titles before, but it seems this was really “the start.”) My double feature review of their first and most current films follows, and my thoughts on the family and where they are headed in the community.
Starting their cinematic journey with THE DEEPER YOU DIG, the Adams showcases a poignant tale where the tendrils of grief grasp the mother, Ivy, played by Toby Poser, as she dares to take on the shadowy depths in search of her lost daughter. It’s an intimate voyage through turbulence and waves and an emotional upheaval. This powerhouse of a film shows just how much heart and passion this family has for their projects.
From the haunting valleys of THE DEEPER YOU DIG, we’re thrust into the unsettling world of the Great Depression in WHERE THE DEVIL ROAMS. This time, the family entices us with a wandering carnival’s chilling tales, painting a grim and captivating canvas. At the core of this cinematic circus are John, Zelda, and Poser Adams, who again craft a story that dances between heartfelt family bonds and the cold clutches of death and deceit.
WHERE THE DEVIL ROAMS offers a rich, dark tapestry, it was a deep dive into the artsier side of horror; each film in their filmography has evolved and shown them taking on new challenges. The film is a visual delight with its precise portrayal of dark themes; I am a bigger fan of straightforward horror/thrillers, but its in-depth vision still blew me away.
The intrinsic charm of the Adams’ craft is undeniable. Their indie fingerprint is unmistakable, and their ability to blend grim tales with a dash of heartwarming reality is an art they’re nailing repeatedly. WHERE THE DEVIL ROAMS, with its somber hues, is a testament to the family’s evolving expertise in the horror genre. They’ve struck a unique balance – where harrowing meets heartwarming – making the viewing experience strangely comforting even amidst the terror.
Mapping their journey from THE DEEPER YOU DIG to WHERE THE DEVIL ROAMS is like watching an evolution of art in front of your eyes. Through their cinematic endeavors, the Adams family has chiseled a niche that they hopefully only continue to expand. There’s so much potential for show-stopping horror flicks in the future; keep your eyes peeled for what’s next. I know I can’t wait!
The Adams family invites us on a unique journey; they’ve embraced the darkest corners of existence, delving into shadowy realms that terrify and tantalize. Though shrouded in an eerie enigma, their films have an underlying warmth, a beacon that shines through and makes each unique and intentional. And as they continue their foray into indie horror, one can’t help but feel excited about the treasures (or terrors) they’ll unearth next. So, lights off, volume up, and prepare for a delectably dreadful delight courtesy of the Adams family.
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As an advocate for creators, actors, and writers, I firmly stand with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA in their current strike. The entertainment industry is built on these individuals’ extraordinary talents, and their contributions must be appropriately recognized and rewarded. They deserve fair compensation, sensible work hours, and respect for their creative rights. I believe in the power of unity and collective action, and I’m steadfast in my support for their fight for better working conditions and fair remuneration. Together, we can shape a more equitable future in the entertainment world.
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