An Important Message That Needs to Be Shared
Surviving Sex Trafficking
Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2021
Runtime: 1h 10m
Director(s): Sadhvi Siddhali Shree
Where To Watch: In select theaters on March 25, streaming online on April 15th
Please visit for more information: https://stoppingtraffic.org/
Let me start by saying I won’t be rating this film, not because it isn’t “worthy” of a rating but because that’s not where the focus needs to be. My only purpose here is to spread the word and get as many eyes on this subject as possible. The opening of the film gives us a chilling statistic. Only 1% of victims ever survive to escape or be rescued. This is out and an estimated 45 million!
This is incredibly sobering especially as a father, husband, brother, and son. I’m so thankful for the women in my life and the positive influences that they’ve given me over the years. That’s why it’s so heartbreaking to see these survivors' stories. It’s fantastic to know they made it, although along with that comes a lifetime of battles that will continue to stay with them every day for the rest of their lives.
I wanted to share the synopsis of the film verbatim as they can say this far better than I’ll ever be able to.
“Surviving Sex Trafficking examines the ongoing struggles of those survivors as they desperately fight to break free of their past, heal their bodies and minds, reconnect with a world of hope, and reclaim their lost humanity.
Jain monk Sadhvi Siddhali Shree, the filmmaker behind the award-winning documentary Stopping Traffic: The Movement to End Sex Traffic, uncovers the depth of pain felt by survivors as well as if and how they can truly recover.
Through conversations with victims and trips to women’s shelters around the world, Surviving Sex Trafficking reveals their stories and how they escaped, how they continue to survive, and how they live day to day with the repressed trauma from the horrific events they experienced.
Shree directed and produced the film, with Sadhvi Anubhuti co-producing.”
I can’t for a moment pretend to know what these women have and continue to go through, this isn’t a copout of a review but just the truth of the situation. The film focuses on survivors while paying tribute to the millions across the world that we won’t ever hear from.
A documentary that should be a wake-up call to the masses, a subject that needs to be talked about and needs to be acted on. There is no way that in our present time with the technology we have, the resources available to law enforcement, as well as the millions at risk; should we sit back and be complacent about any of this.
These interviews tell so many stories, of lost battles that each of these survivors struggles to find themselves again after the torture that no person should ever have to endure. The mental and physical abuse at the hands of people who take advantage of the situation these people are in and use it against them for their own personal gain.
Again if you have a moment, please visit https://stoppingtraffic.org/
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Such a good film. Such an important topic that is overlooked. But it is also a very delicate topic to discuss especially in a documentary. I give the directors and producers credit for how they handled the film and the individuals involved.