Breathe New Life Into Into an Old Classic

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Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
Year Released: 1984, 2022 Full Moon 4k
Runtime: 1h 16m
Director(s): Charles Band
Writer(s): Danny Bilson, Paul De Meo
Cast: Tim Thomerson, Helen Hunt, Michael Stefani
Where To Watch: Available to purchase from Full Moon Direct and to stream on Full Moon Features

RAVING REVIEW: TRANCERS is a 1984 sci-fi film directed by Charles Band and perfectly represents independent filmmaking. Set in the dystopian city of Angel City, the fate of humanity rests on the capable shoulders of Agent Jack Deth, who Tim Thomerson portrays. The film takes us on a unique journey that blends science fiction, film noir, and B-movie elements, resulting in an unforgettable experience from start to finish.

The film's method of temporal displacement, achieved through a mind-altering substance, sets it apart from other time-travel movies and showcases the director's imaginative approach to filmmaking. Alongside Jack is the fearless punk girl Leena, played by Helen Hunt, who brings a touch of humor to the otherwise dark plot. Their witty banter throughout the film adds a lighthearted element to the story, making it a timeless classic.

The low-budget production value of TRANCERS only adds to its charm with its imaginative use of matte paintings and exciting selection of getaway vehicles. These creative elements showcase the power of the filmmakers' imagination and humor. The narrative revolves around Jack's mission, with most of the action taking place in Los Angeles.

TRANCERS is a must-watch for fans of B-movies, low-budget sci-fi, and those who appreciate unique and imaginative filmmaking. Its powerful performances, intriguing plot elements, and witty dialogue make it a timeless classic that deserves to be rediscovered by a new generation.

TRANCERS significantly developed the low-budget film genre. The film's success paved the way for other independent filmmakers to create their low-budget productions and made way for the B-movie industry to take off. The film's success also helped establish Charles Band as a prominent independent filmmaker and solidified his reputation as a creative and imaginative director.

As a result of its popularity and cultural significance, TRANCERS has become a cult classic and continues to be a beloved film among fans of sci-fi and B-movies. The film has also inspired numerous sequels, merchandise, and even a comic book series, further solidifying its place in the annals of cinema history.

In conclusion, TRANCERS is a classic sci-fi film that deserves to be rediscovered by a new generation of film lovers. The film is a timeless classic that will continue to entertain and delight audiences for years.

– Commentary with Charles Band and Tim Thomerson
– Complete Short Film Trancers: City of Lost Angels
– Trancers: A Video Essay
– The Making of Trancers Documentary
– Official Trailer
– Archival Interviews
– Stills Gallery

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[photo courtesy of FULL MOON DIRECT]

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