Challenging the Manifest Destiny Narrative
Lakota Nation vs. United States
Genre: Documentary. History
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 2h
Director(s): Jesse Short Bull, Laura Tomaselli
Written/Narrated: Layli Long Soldier
Where To Watch: Opening exclusively in NYC on July 14, 2023, and in Los Angeles & San Francisco on July 21
RAVING REVIEW: Let's dive headfirst into this heart-stirring documentary, LAKOTA NATION VS. UNITED STATES. It's like getting an inside perspective of the rich tapestry and history of the indomitable Lakota Nation, a community whose tale of resilience has often been misunderstood and even warped by mainstream narratives and the United States government for decades.
Layli Long Soldier, the narrative voice, takes us on a journey that explores the deep, intimate bond between the Lakota people and their ancestral domain, the Black Hills. The film offers nothing short of extraordinary visuals, offering a glimpse of this beautiful country and the stains we’ve left on it over time.
Co-directors Laura Tomaselli and Jesse Short Bull turn the documentary genre on its head, transforming LAKOTA NATION VS. UNITED STATES into an evocative saga that tells the tale of the Lakotas' unrelenting pursuit of justice. The Lakota are trying to reclaim their stolen lands from the U.S., an act that sounds like a work of fiction but is all too real.
The film is more than just a tribute to the fortitude of the Lakotas. It's a tour of the collective Indigenous American experience, narrating tales of colonization, harmful stereotypes, and economic exploitation that resonate with Indigenous communities far and wide. It's a celebration of these communities' undying spirit and connection to the land they called home long before we robbed them of it.
Tomaselli and Short Bull invite us to see history differently, challenging the popular American Manifest Destiny narrative. They spotlight the indigenous struggle for territorial rights, an issue often swept under the carpet in favor of more palatable histories. Through the lens of LAKOTA NATION VS. UNITED STATES, we see that history isn't just facts and figures—it's a vibrant story of diverse voices and insights that tug at our heartstrings. Layli Long Soldier's narrative talent is the thread that weaves these myriad perspectives into a compelling plotline.
The film doesn't shy away from shedding light on the harsh realities of the past, recounting the grim tale of land theft following the 1876 discovery of gold in the sacred Black Hills. However, it's not just a history lesson—it's a cinematic wake-up call that deftly blends historical records, artwork, music, and theatrical performances into a compelling narrative. It's no exaggeration to say that this documentary has carved out a special place for itself in the cinematic landscape 2023.
Jesse Short Bull and Laura Tomaselli take us on an unprecedented exploration of indigenous territories. They interact with the Lakota community and highlight their challenges, creating a film that goes beyond simple storytelling. They aim to stir emotions, generate respect, and invoke a call to action.
LAKOTA NATION VS. UNITED STATES is more than just a film—a potent call for acknowledgment, respect, and reparation for past wrongs. It serves as a tribute to the enduring spirit of the Lakota Nation and their steadfast connection to the sacred Black Hills. Above all, it is a testament to their rightful claim to their ancestral home. This documentary earns five out of five stars for its compelling narrative, rich cultural insights, and its unwavering commitment to spotlighting a story that deserves our attention.
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[photo courtesy of IFC FILMS]
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