Child’s Quest for Identity Amidst Tradition

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20,000 Species of Bees


Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 2h 8m
Director(s): Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren
Writer(s): Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren
Cast: Sofía Otero, Patricia López Arnaiz, Ane Gabarain, Itziar Lazkano
Where To Watch: opens in select theaters June 14, 2024

RAVING REVIEW: As we explore the Basque Country's lush landscapes, 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES crafts an intimate portrait of young Aitor (Sofía Otero,) also known as Coco, navigating the complexities of gender identity amidst the backdrop of a coming-of-age story. This film, directed by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, explores the tangles of family ties and the personal awakenings that define a crucial summer. Aitor's journey, framed by their relationship with their great-aunt Lourdes (Ane Gabarain) and her bees, resonates as a metaphor for transformation and self-acceptance.

In a role that clinched her the Silver Bear for Best Actress at the Berlin International Film Festival (the youngest at the time to win,) Otero embodies the character of Aitor/Coco with a raw authenticity that brings their internal struggle to life. Aitor finds themself caught between the identity assigned at birth and the one they feel inside, a conflict portrayed through his delicate interactions with their mother, Ane (Patricia López Arnaiz), and great-aunt Lourdes. Arnaiz portrays Ane with a layered performance that captures a mother torn between her artistic passions and the demands of motherhood during a transformative period in her child's life.

The beekeeping theme is a powerful metaphor throughout the film, symbolizing Aitor's transformation from the cocoon of expectations to the emergence of the other side. This metamorphosis is beautifully juxtaposed against the rugged terrain of the Basque countryside and the intricacies of beekeeping, reflecting the protagonist’s inner journey toward harmony and authenticity. The entire film is handled with grace and heart, making the story feel natural and connecting viewers with the cast.

The cinematography of 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES is a close-up affair that brings audiences into Aitor’s personal space, inviting them to share in the emotional and physical shifts accompanying this quest for identity. The film tackles the weighty themes of self-image, societal expectation, and personal courage with a ground-level approach, portraying the nuanced challenges of embracing one’s true self amidst familial and societal pressures.

Moreover, the film engages in a broader dialogue about the clash between tradition and personal authenticity. It challenges viewers to rethink their perceptions of identity and acceptance through a narrative that threads personal struggles with broader themes of what some in society deem acceptable. Solaguren steers clear of melodrama, opting for a more subdued but potent exploration of emotional landscapes.

20,000 SPECIES OF BEES is not merely a story about finding oneself but a profound discourse on the interplay between what some believe and what others' emerging personal identities are. The film captures a crucial moment in the ongoing cultural conversation about gender and acceptance, offering timely and timeless insights. With its compelling performances and sensitive direction, the film stands as a powerful testament to the complex journey of coming to terms with one’s identity, set against a backdrop that is as metaphorically rich as it is visually stunning.

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[photo courtesy of FILM MOVEMENT]

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