Cult Classic Status? Ninja Film Earns Its Stars

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Revenge of the Ninja (Special Edition) [Blu-ray]


Genre: Action, Crime, Drama
Year Released: 1983, 2024 Kino Lorber Blu-ray
Runtime: 1h 30m
Director(s): Sam Firstenberg
Writer(s): James R. Silke
Cast: Sho Kosugi, Keith Vitali, Virgil Frye, Professor Toru Tanaka, Ashley Ferrare, Mario Gallo, Kane Kosugi, Arthur Roberts
Where To Watch: available now, order here or

RAVING REVIEW: REVENGE OF THE NINJA took the martial arts genre and, with a flair that only the 1980s could offer, explores a wild, over-the-top world filled with nonstop action. Under the direction of Sam Firstenberg, this film elevates traditional combat choreography and enriches the narrative surrounding its embattled hero, Cho Osaki (Shô Kosugi.) Diving into this action-packed experience, it becomes evident that the filmmakers have honed every element to a razor's edge, delivering both spectacle and substance in equal measure.

The 1980s were a golden age for martial arts enthusiasts, with REVENGE OF THE NINJA standing out as an apex of genre filmmaking. This film, driven by the formidable duo of Firstenberg and martial arts dynamo Kosugi, delivers an unforgettable portrayal of Cho's fight against fate and foes. Following a brutal attack that leaves his family devastated, Cho moves to the United States, seeking peace. However, his American dream quickly turns sour when he uncovers a new business—a quaint doll gallery—is merely a cover for his partner Braden’s (Arthur Roberts) illicit drug dealings. Forced back into the shadows he sought to leave behind, Cho's journey culminates in a breathtaking rooftop battle that tests the limits of his skill and spirit.

Furstenberg’s direction shines brightest during the film's meticulously crafted action sequences. The innovative use of everyday settings, such as a playground turned into a battlefield, showcases a blend of creativity and martial prowess that’s always fun to see in the genre. The climactic battle atop a city skyscraper elevates the film's action to new heights, surpassing its predecessor and capturing the narrative's intensity with stellar precision.

However, REVENGE OF THE NINJA also knows when not to take itself too seriously, weaving lighter, theatrical moments into its fabric. A unique performance by Keith Vitali adds a delightful campiness, especially when set against flamboyantly dressed villains and bizarre scenarios. While these moments might skirt the absurdity’s edge, they enhance the film’s charm and solidify its cult status among fans.

At the film's heart is Kosugi’s portrayal of Cho, which grounds the fantastical elements with his legitimate martial arts skill. Although his acting might not fetch widespread acclaim, it perfectly complements the film's larger-than-life style, adding gravitas without overshadowing the story’s thrilling momentum.

Despite its many strengths, the film has its shortcomings. The special effects and some screenplay elements didn’t age well, revealing the constraints of its production budget. These issues, while noticeable, do not significantly detract from the film's enjoyment; instead, they add a layer of nostalgia that enhances its appeal to contemporary audiences.

REVENGE OF THE NINJA captures the essence of martial arts cinema of the period and serves as a historical benchmark for the genre’s evolution. It offers a compelling look at traditional martial arts depicted with flair, appealing to fans and newcomers alike. The sharp delineation between heroes and villains ensures a narrative that is as engaging as it is timeless.

For those exploring REVENGE OF THE NINJA for the first time or revisiting it, the film promises a perfect balance of intense action and light-hearted fun. While it may not win over every viewer, its combination of genuine combat, quirky characters, and a dose of 1980s nostalgia offers an unforgettable experience, securing its legacy as a cherished entry in the annals of action cinema.

Product Extras:
NEW Audio Commentary by Action Film Historians Mike Leeder and Arne Venema
Audio Commentary by Director Sam Firstenberg and Stunt Coordinator Steven Lambert
Intro by Sam Firstenberg
Behind-the-Scenes Photo Gallery
Theatrical Trailer
Dual-Layered BD50 Disc
Optional English Subtitles

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[photo courtesy of KINO LORBER]

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