Each Floor, a New Fear: Horror Unfolds

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Genre: Horror
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 1h 34m
Director(s): Jonathan Louis Lewis, Sean Mesler, Blake Reigle, Buz Wallick
Writer(s): Sean Mesler, Mary O'Neil, Buz Wallick 
Cast: Mary O'Neil, Christa Collins, Myles Cranford, Rib Hillis, Clarke Wolfe, Kathryne Isabelle, Easton, Douglas Vermeeren
Where To Watch: on demand September 24, 2024

RAVING REVIEW: In the eerie expanses of modern horror films, TENANTS cuts a distinct path as an exploration of dread that transcends typical frights. Set within the unnervingly quiet walls of a sprawling apartment complex, the narrative follows a woman’s frantic quest to locate her missing sister, pulling her into an escalating nightmare. With each level of the complex, the fear intensifies, brought to life by Jonathan Louis Lewis, Sean Mesler, Blake Reigle, and Buz Wallick, who collectively harness spectral forces that bring a near-living presence to their ominous setting.

Sean Mesler, Mary O'Neil, and Buz Wallick's screenplay for TENANTS is a lesson in blending psychological thrills with visceral horror. It revolves around the menacing environment of the building, which breathes with malevolent life, anchoring this gripping anthology's diverse yet interconnected stories. The directors' deft handling of the narrative threads adds depth to the suspense, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.

One of the standout aspects of TENANTS is the atmospheric score by Andrew Scott Bell, which reimagines traditional horror soundscapes. Drawing inspiration from seminal works like Alfred Hitchcock Presents and The Twilight Zone, Bell’s compositions oscillate between suspense-building peaks and suspense-inducing silence. His tracks, particularly “The Hoarder” and “You’re Not Supposed to Be Here,” incorporate haunting melodies with an undercurrent of dread that enhances the overall ambiance of the film.

Each filmmaker’s unique touch characterizes the film's direction, enriching the plot. Mesler introduces elements of dark humor and psychological complexity, while Wallick ventures into the shadowy corners of the macabre. Reigle’s contributions add a slow-burning terror that contrasts sharply with Lewis’ dynamic storytelling, which drives the narrative forward with a potent mix of fear and tension.

The cast delivers compelling performances. Kathryne Isabelle Easton and Christa Collins stand out with their portrayals of terror, supported by the strong performances of Rib Hillis and Clarke Wolfe. Their collective efforts provide a solid foundation that makes the characters’ predicaments resonate with audiences, drawing them deeper into the film’s chilling narrative.

Some segments of the anthology needed further fleshing out. They appear slightly undercooked and affect the film’s rhythm, particularly in the middle sections, where the suspense wanes. Nonetheless, the film distinguishes itself with an exceptional use of practical effects. The creators deliver a grounded, horrifying experience by opting for physical over CGI. The transformations seen within the complex, coupled with subtle yet eerie visuals, significantly bolster the horror elements.

Cranked Up Films will release the film via VOD just in time for spooky season. TENANTS offers more than standard frights. It shows a deep, introspective dive into the nuances of horror, making it a must-watch for those who cherish a horror experience that challenges the psyche and entertains with a clever mix of dark humor and genuine fear. Get ready for a roller coaster of horror!

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[photo courtesy of CRANKED UP FILMS]

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